Adjika Abkhazia
Adjika Abkhaz is a burning mixture thatconsists of hot pepper, spices, garlic and salt. The original seasoning is of two kinds - from red and green hot pepper. There are many of its varieties, which include various types of spices, nuts and fresh herbs. Traditional Abkhaz adzhika is prepared on a flat stone by slowly grinding the components. At home, seasoning can be prepared with a blender or meat grinder. Almost all kinds of Adzhika, which can be found on store shelves, have nothing to do with this seasoning. Adjika Abkhazia has a very thin consistency, similar to butter. The spiciness and burning of this seasoning perfectly stimulates the appetite and helps to cope with all kinds of
Red Adzhika in Abkhazian
To prepare you need a hot chillired pepper, 1 teaspoon coriander seeds, dill, chaiber and basil. You also need a large head of garlic, salt and, if desired, nuts. Red pepper (fresh or dried) needs to be cleaned from the pedicels and seeds, and then rubbed together with spices and garlic. It is most convenient to do this in a blender, but you can also use a mortar. If you leave the seeds of pepper in the seasoning, they will allocate essential oils, and Adjika Abkhazia will get much sharper. In the prepared seasoning for viscosity, you can add chopped walnut, as well as fresh herbs: coriander, parsley, basil and dill. Ready adzhika stored in a glass container in a cool place.
Green Adjika
This seasoning uses hot pepperGreen, and spicy fresh herbs predominate. Pepper is used a little in relation to greens, so adzhika turns out not as sharp as red. For cooking, you need to take about 500 grams of various greens (basil, savory, mint, coriander, dill), 300 g of green hot pepper, garlic, salt and dry spices. The method of preparation is the same as in the adzhika from red pepper. This seasoning in Abkhazia, it is customary to fill sour milk and serve to various cheeses.
Dry adzhika Ahhyla
This seasoning is a mixture of spicy dry herbs,which can be added to meat and fish dishes, pickles, sauces and marinades. To make it, you need a teaspoon of chabera seeds, fenugreek blue, basil, coriander and dill. In the seasoning, also add 50 grams of red ground pepper and salt to taste. Unlike traditional Adzhika, which is similar in consistence to paste, this seasoning turns completely dry.
All seeds are thoroughly ground in a coffee grinder ormortar, then add the ground red pepper and salt. Dry adzhika Abkhazian can be supplemented with garlic, passed through garlic. In this case, the flavor of the finished seasoning increases many times. It is recommended to prepare seasoning in rubber gloves, as pepper can cause severe irritation and even burn if it gets on the skin.
Adjika can also be harvested for the winter. To do this, take 1.3 kg of hot chili peppers, 4-5 large garlic heads, walnut oil, one
a tablespoon of salt, seeds of dill, coriander and chabera. Remove from pepper
seeds, and then several times grind it in a meat grinder until
homogeneous mass. Garlic crushed garlic or blender. Connect
garlic, pepper, ground spices, mix well and once again pass through
meat grinder. Then add the nut oil and salt. Seasoning spread in
sterilized jars and stored in a dark cool place. If not available
nut butter, it can be replaced simply with walnuts. Have to take
approximately 200 g of peeled nuts, grind them in a coffee grinder or blender and
add to the total mixture. You can replace the nut oil with any vegetable oil, but
the taste of the seasoning from this will deteriorate significantly.