/ / "28 cents" - ice cream with taste from childhood

"28 cents" - ice cream with taste from childhood

Ice cream is your favorite treat,especially adored by his children. Many adults still remember the taste of the Soviet plombira, which they ate in childhood. Today they are endowed with the Belarusian product "28 kopecks. "Ice cream, which has a taste familiar from childhood. It is very popular among the inhabitants of the country, as it is very tasty and nutritious. It is consumed in the heat of 30 degrees, and in the twenty-degree frost. Every year people eat more than half a million tons of delicious cold dessert.

28 kopecks ice cream


Ice cream "28 kopecks" It was created for lovers of traditionalplombir, made of natural ingredients, and does not melt quickly. This product is fat enough, but also the most delicious of all. It is made from milk, cream, butter and eggs. At the same time, the fat content can reach twenty percent. The manufacturer produces such ice cream on a stick, it can have different flavors, because besides the classical version, there are aromas of vanilla, strawberry, cocoa or lemon in the fat glaze that covers the dessert. Wand allows you to conveniently hold the product in hand. "28 kopecks "- ice cream, which is in demand because it is able, thanks to its qualities, to give people a good mood on the hottest summer day, and also to remind them of the taste that came from childhood.

Composition and nutritional value

Composition ice-cream "28 kopecks" (Belarus) has several differences from that whichwas produced during the Soviet era. Today, this dessert is made from water, fat glaze (butter, sugar powder and cocoa or flavor, depending on the type of filling), condensed milk, skimmed milk powder, milk whey powder, emulsifiers and stabilizers, margarine, eggs and wheat flour. As you can see, in this product there are various flavors, stabilizers and preservatives. And in the Soviet era, such creamy filling was prepared only from natural products, without any additives. Wherein "28 kopecks "- ice cream, which has a taste similar to that which wasknown in the Soviet Union. Whether this is due to various additives in the product or not is unknown. Fat in this cold dessert contains the most, the least observed proteins. Energy value of three hundred eleven calories per hundred grams of the product.

ice cream 28 cents

Reviews of the ice cream "28 kopecks"

Many fans of ice cream choose "28cents ", because it is relatively inexpensive and of good quality. The most popular enjoys ice cream with chocolate glaze. Its taste is valued for the presence of cream and chocolate notes. In this case, the glaze is clearly separated from the ice cream, it does not slip off. It features rich chocolate color and perfect Some consumers say that "28 kopecks "- ice cream from high-quality Belarusian raw materials, whichperiodically takes part in various promotions. The manufacturer thereby attracts new customers. The mass of ice cream is seventy grams, which is enough for one person.

Other people say that as part of theice cream, which is indicated on the package, water is in the first place. In addition, there are stabilizers and preservatives. But this is attributed to the fact that in modern times the manufacturer is not able to produce a product using technology thirty years ago. But the modern product is no less tasty.

ice-cream 28 kopecks of belarus

A little about the manufacturer

Produces this product company"Morozprodukt", which focuses on making every day festive and easy. Therefore, the company chooses for its products only the highest quality and safe ingredients, offers a wide range for every taste. The idea of ​​organizing a production of quality tasty ice cream in Belarus arose at the director of "Morozprodukt" when he visited the Ice Cream Palace in Havana, where everyone had an opportunity to try many kinds of this delicacy.

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