Yogurt "Sloboda": composition, useful properties, reviews
Most likely, there is no such person who neitherI have not tried or heard about such a delicacy as yogurt. This delicious and healthy product is loved by both adults and children. This yogurt is able not only to satisfy hunger and thirst (if it is, for example, drinking), but also must bring real help in improving the body, in particular, the digestive and immune systems. Although in grocery stores you can meet many types and brands of this dairy product, but not all of them, as the producers promise, are of benefit. And yet there are really bona fide companies that are trembling to treat both the quality and the composition of the product. One of these products is Sloboda yoghurt. It is made from natural ingredients and has a pleasant taste.
What is yogurt
This is a fermented milk product obtained inThe result of fermentation of natural milk (without the addition of dry) by special bacteria. For taste, special ingredients are added to it, in most cases natural. This is often pieces of fruit and berries. Some manufacturers add cereals, greens and so on to yoghurts. All this makes this delicacy more saturated and nutritious.

What are yoghurts under the brand "Sloboda"
This is the most popular brand for productionfermented milk products. This is because this yogurt is very useful and made solely from natural products with the addition of specially created microorganisms.
The trade mark "Sloboda" produces yoghurts of two types:
- dense and thick product, which is sold in special jars. Such a delicacy is ideal for eating children and adolescents;
- drinking yoghurt, which is considered the mostpopular and most in demand. This is due to the fact that such a product is sold in bottles of various capacities and is suitable for drinking it, for example, on the go.

Yoghurt "Sloboda": composition
What distinguishes this delicacy from other similarfermented milk products, is the presence of microelements, which bring real benefits to the body. And the components of the product itself make it a standard of quality and use:
- fresh and selected milk, the quality of which is monitored by specialists from the control service;
- very necessary for human health, L. Casei bacteria, which will not only improve immunity several times, but will also normalize digestion, which leads to improvement of the person's well-being;
- only natural flavors are used - the freshest fruits and berries, and in some species there are grains and greens.

Drinking yoghurt "Sloboda"
This is the most purchased and in demandsour milk beverage. So it is much more convenient to use it than, say, the same yogurt "Sloboda", but in glasses. In addition, in this form, he perfectly quenches his thirst. And thanks to the fact that the producers have included very nutritious cereals and fruits in the dairy product, they can have a good snack. Drinking yoghurt "Sloboda" differs by a great variety. Photo drinks, often found in advertising, cause a desire to try them.

Useful qualities
Many people are constantly in short supplyvitamins and minerals. Therefore, daily use of this yogurt replenishes vitamin deficiency in the human body. What are the useful properties of this product?
It should be noted that yogurt "Sloboda" contains an important vitamin B, which is needed for muscles and helps to calm the nervous system. No less important is vitamin D.
Since this drink is made on the basis of natural milk, it contains a sufficient amount of calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for growth and strengthening of the bone system.
What is especially appreciated yogurt "Sloboda", so this is forThe presence of live bifidobacteria, which are simply necessary for a person for normal digestion. With regular use of yoghurt, the intestines will be completely cleared of toxins and very harmful and pathogenic bacteria, because of which a person experiences constant discomfort in the intestine.
Varieties of yogurt "Sloboda" set, andmanufacturers have taken care of that those people who watch their weight, could find a suitable treat for themselves. Under this brand are produced such sour-milk products, which contain a minimum of calories while maintaining all the useful qualities and properties.

Reviews of yogurt
The products of this brand are very popular in ourcountry. And about such a drink as yogurt "Sloboda", the reviews are exceptionally positive. Most people who at least once tried the products of this brand will not remain indifferent to new and more saturated tastes. Consumers note that Sloboda yoghurt is very popular with children. And parents who care about the health of their kids, with pleasure buy this delicacy. In the composition of really pieces of fruit, not flavor, and milk - natural. The popularity of this product is also explained by the fact that it is relatively inexpensive - 30-60 rubles.