/ / Clementine is ... What are clementines different from mandarins?

Clementine is ... What are clementines different from mandarins?

Clementine - what kind of fruit? If you do not know the answer to the question, then you can find it in the article submitted. In addition, we will tell you about the difference between clementines and tangerines, as well as their useful properties.

clementine is

General information about citrus fruit

Clementine is a hybrid fruit that is onefrom the options of tanzhelo. He was bred in 1902 by a breeder and French priest Clement Rodier. It is from here that the name of the given fruit has occurred.

Types of citrus fruits (clementines)

Clementine is the fruit that was created as a result of the crossing of orange and mandarin. There are three types of this fruit:

  • Spanish. In turn, this species has two varieties: large fruits and smaller. And each fruit can contain from 2 to 10 seeds.
  • Corsican. What is the difference between this kind of clementine? Citrus is protected by the trademark of the region. It has a bright orange-reddish skin, as well as a very pleasant and fragrant aroma. As a rule, such a fruit does not contain seeds. On the shelves of shops you can see it with leaves from the beginning of November to the middle of February.
  • Montreal Clementine - it's pretty rarecitrus fruit, which appears only in mid-October. Usually its suppliers are Algeria and Spain. The fruit can contain from 10 to 12 seeds.

Clementines and tangerines difference

Clementine: useful properties of citrus fruit

In fruits such as clementine, there are very many different vitamins and mineral elements. Basically it consists of fiber, protein, water and fat. Also in it are all the vitamins of group B.

Among other things, in clementines there istitanium, copper, potassium, ascorbic acid and much more. By the way, the fact that citrus differs a sweet taste, does not mean that it is very caloric. That's why it can be used even by those who are on a diet.

Who should use clementines?

Of course, there are many fruits thatmuch more useful than clementine. Vegetables (fresh) also have vitamins and minerals. However, this particular fruit is recommended for people with various diseases of the digestive tract. After all, he is able to eliminate almost any problem with digestion.

It should also be noted that this citrus is extremelyuseful for colds. It strengthens the entire body, by raising the immune system. Clementine juice is often used to arouse appetite, as well as improve metabolic processes.

than clementines are different from mandarins

Before answering the question of whatclementines are different from mandarins, I want to say that this fruit should be consumed by women suffering from intense hair loss and wishing to prevent the appearance of early wrinkles.

Speaking of such a citrus, it should be noted thatthe fact that it has an essential oil that can fight depression and depression. Regular use of this fruit positively affects the entire nervous system of the human body. That is why it is actively assigned to those who suffer from insomnia.

Clementine oil also has a dermatologicaleffect. In connection with this, it is often used to treat skin diseases such as scars of various origin, warts, cellulite, acne, seborrhea, stretch marks and so on. In addition, the oil of this fruit can make your skin softer and more tender.

Clementines and tangerines: the difference in citrus fruits

Buying citrus fruits, few people think,what exactly they are. The main thing is that the fruits are sweet and tasty. It should be noted that, to a greater extent, these properties are possessed by clementines. Thus, if you want to please your kids with a delicious and sweet fruit, then it is advisable to purchase only them.

clementine citrus

So, how do clementines differ from mandarins? Besides taste qualities, such fruits have different forms. For example, mandarins are slightly flattened. This is due to the fact that in the place where there was once an inflorescence, they have a small dent. As for clementines, they are more rounded. In their form they are quite similar to small oranges.

Appearance of fruits (tangerines and clementines)

How to properly distinguish clementines and tangerines? The difference in such fruits is not only in their form, but also in the structure of the skin. The mandarins have larger pores than clementines. And the skin itself to the touch is soft and friable. By the way, in very ripe and sweet clementines, the shell also lags behind the fetus, just like the mandarins.

As for color, there is practically no difference between the two presented fruits. Although some lovers of these citrus fruits note that clementines have much more bright skin than mandarins.

Useful properties of tangerines

Like in the pulp of clementines, in mandarins alsocontains many valuable components. They have all the B vitamins, as well as PP, K and P. Citric acid, which is present in the tangerines, quickly neutralizes nitrates. That is why such a fruit is very useful.

clementine vegetables

It should also be noted that in this citrusthere is a lot of beta-carotene, valuable carotenoids useful for the retina, lutein and zeaxanthin. In addition, in mandarins there is fiber, which helps to cleanse the intestines, phytoncides, which suppress the growth and reproduction of bacteria. One can not help saying that there are a lot of essential oils, iron, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium in this citrus.

Contraindications to the use of citrus fruits

Despite the fact that clementines and mandarinsthey are completely different fruits, they belong to citrus. And, as is known, quite a large number of people are unable to tolerate such fruits because of an allergic reaction. In this regard, citrus fruits, in particular clementines and tangerines, are highly not recommended for those who have intolerance of the constituent components.

By the way, if you do not have allergies to such fruits,then you still should not abuse them. After all, after a large number of eaten fruits, negative reactions in the form of skin rashes, itching and other things, one way or another, will make themselves felt.

One can not help saying that clementines,mandarins and other citrus are not recommended to include in the diet of those people who have such problems with the digestive system, as an ulcer, gastritis, colitis, nephritis or enteritis, etc. This fact is due to the fact that in the mentioned fruits there is a lot of ascorbic acid, which adversely affects the shell of the stomach and intestines.

clementine useful properties

By the way, essential oil of clementine is a phototoxic substance. In this regard, it can not be used by pregnant women during the entire first trimester.

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