/ How to cook turkey meat?

How to cook turkey meat?

Tender and juicy turkey meat can be used ina diet of people with weakened health or babies. The dishes with this ingredient are very suitable for active personalities, in order to restore lost strength. After all, this is a real balanced product, which must be present on the table. In addition, recipes from turkey meat are varied.

Special cutlets

Cutlets on the liking of everyone without exception. For a tender dish, you need half a kilogram of turkey fillet, 300 g of mushrooms (champignons will be ideal), 2 onions, a small piece of butter, half a glass of fresh milk, 2 slices of bread (only white), breadcrumbs, salt and pepper, and sunflower oil. It's very easy to make meatballs. For starters, bread is soaked in milk. Meanwhile, butter is cut into small cubes, which are separately laid out on a plate. They are sent for freezing.

Onion is cut into semicircles, and mushrooms are cut by thinplastics. They immediately go to a frying pan, where they are lightly fried in oil. Meat in the meantime is cut into pieces and sent to a meat grinder. Through her pass and mushrooms with onions, and bread. If desired, you can add fragrant herbs and condiments to the resulting mince. Add a small amount of water and salt with pepper.

Then everything is as usual. Formed cutlets, in the middle of each put a small piece of frozen butter. After the cutlets crumble in breadcrumbs and go to the pan, where it is browned from all sides.

Garnish for such a dish can be absolutely anything: both mashed potatoes, and boiled vegetables and any cereals.

Turkey meat in salad

Prepare a meat salad is not a speciallabor. The main thing is to boil turkey meat in quantities of 400 g. It will take 2 apples, mayonnaise, 2 eggs (cooked), pickled cucumber, cucumber pickle, greens (enough to be parsley and dill), and salt with pepper.

Meat, apples, of course, eggs and cucumber carefullycut into thin and long straws, and then put in a salad bowl. All is thoroughly mixed and poured with brine. Then you need to season salad with spices and give a little brew. Only then the mayonnaise is added to the dish and served to the table, decorating with greens.

Baked turkey meat. Recipe for celebratory

For a grand feast a wholeturkey, which is baked in the oven. However, to save a significant amount of time on a holiday will help a good preparation of meat on the day preceding. And before serving, the carcass will just need to be put in the oven.

On all surface of a turkey it is necessary to makedeep incisions. There it is best to put garlic, chopped plates and pieces of chicken fat, so that the meat is very juicy and fragrant. Above, the carcass is coated with olive oil and a variety of spices. Their composition can be determined based on their own taste.

A ready turkey is surrounded with sage and rosemary. Then these leaves can be put on top when baking. But inside the carcass should go pieces of lemon, apples and orange.

Prepared meat is laid on a baking tray andtop is covered with thin slices of fresh fat bacon. Be sure to wrap the turkey with foil and leave in the refrigerator. After that, in the morning, sent to the oven, where it will acquire a beautiful color, delicate aroma and delicious taste!


Using turkey meat, you can cook very muchsimple soup with pasta. To do this, you need to take a turkey breast, 3 carrots, green beans (about 200g), pasta (100g), green onions, salt and pepper, as well as lemon slices.

Meat is poured in water in a saucepan and cooked with the addition of a laurel and peppercorn. This continues until the turkey is soft. Approximately it will take 1 hour.

Meanwhile carrots are cut into thin circles. Meat is taken out of the broth, carrots, green beans and pasta enter there. The turkey is cut into small cubes. As soon as the carrot becomes soft, meat is also started in the soup. So the dish boils for a few more minutes, after which it is ready to serve. In the plate bowls must be placed and chopped green onions, as well as a slice of lemon.

In the meat of turkey is practically no fat. Therefore, all who follow their figure, can easily treat themselves to delicious dishes from this product.

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