/ / The best ice cream brands: list

The best ice cream brands: list

It is impossible to imagine a summer without a bettergoodies - without ice cream! It is sweet, and tasty, and surprisingly pleasant. Ice cream refreshes and even sates, and also raises the level of endorphins in the blood, so the product can be considered truly universal. Popular brands of ice cream represent taste tastes for any whim of the consumer. We will try to conduct a tour of the world assortment of this delicacy, which won the hearts of millions of admirers.

The main taste of summer

When the heat in the street, it is sold out faster thanthe notorious hot pies. And the taste and color here is clearly no companions. Someone likes plombir, and someone is crazy about different types of fruit ice. There are even all kinds of ice-cream cakes and sandwiches based on it.

brands of ice cream

In the summer, ice cream is a way out of any situation,an excuse to stroll and the opportunity to cool yourself. Only here is what to choose? Stamps of ice cream, even within one country, amaze the imagination. The average consumer can buy different types of product all year round and never repeat, and after all the true "gold bars" have to be sieved from the general mass. Let's try to visit the recognized record-breaking points for sales and production of dairy delicacy.

Gastronomic tour around the world

If you look into Venezuela, then a small yellowa house with green windows can immediately not notice. It is painfully modest, but inside there is an ice cream parlor with the largest assortment. There are about 800 tastes here. The establishment has the name Heladeria Coromoto, and its owner Manuel Oliveiro is listed in the history of ice cream for his idea of ​​adding avocado, champagne, pumpkin, calamari and even viagra to dessert! The latter option is a branded product of the establishment, and the effect is enhanced by the presence of honey and bee pollen in the composition.

Also like tourists Parisian shopBerthillon, which is put on one scales with the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and the Notre Dame Cathedral. Here are collected 70 varieties of sorbets, as well as brands of ice cream with passion fruit, kiwi, melons, rhubarb and chestnuts!

ice cream brands

Singularity attracts Singaporean cafeUdders. In translation into Russian, the name means "udder". The idea was very nice - to connect the associative series "milk-cow-meadow", but all marketing flew into the trash when the owner entered into the menu ice cream with alcohol. The names will please the gourmet - "Rum-Raisins", "Baylise-Bourbon", "Black Amaretto" and others. Over time, the owner made drunken desserts his "chip".

Fans of the movie "Roman holidays" mustshould visit Italian celiac disease in Rome, where even now you can buy a waffle horn, which Audrey Hepburn was enjoying, and drink it with the sweet wine of Marsala.

With a bias in the exotic

Specific nationalities and ice creamcorresponding. For example, in Tokyo there is a shop Cup Ice Museum, where the buyer is offered the most unusual mixes of vanilla and octopus, pumpkin and squid, banana and wasabi. There are about 400 mixes here, and this is not the limit of Japanese imagination!

In Istanbul, one can and should taste the traditionaleastern ice cream ("dondurma"), which is made with powder of mountain orchids. It is on this product that the Turkish cafe Ali Usta specializes. The menu has 32 views, but the topping here does not play a special role, since in the ice cream there is a local extract of Viagra, which, according to men, acts magically!

brands of ice cream list

A tour of the world can be completed in New York, wherethe ice cream parlor Bierkraft, famous for its burgers, operates. Instead of cutlets and cheese inside a slice of vanilla sweets. By the way, such a burger is served for a snack to beer!

By standard

Total, this sweet tooth will not find itselfRest, if you want to try the best brands of ice cream in the world. The limit is not perfect, and confectioners continue to strain their imagination. Therefore, we will try in the second part of the conversation to narrow the circle and determine the best brands of ice cream in Russia. Here it should be noted that the mistake will be to judge the leaders solely for the price. Good ice cream can be democratic in pricing, but its composition always remains brief and concise.

State quality standards in the countryallow the presence of some additives in the product, since otherwise the shelf life will be small to impossible to implement. The influence of chemicals a priori can not be beneficial to the body, so that already purchased ice cream will not be completely useful. Although most ingredients can be of natural origin, they will be more expensive, and therefore manufacturers do not often resort to them.

Basic composition

What are we waiting for from the content of delicacies? For example, consider a classic ice cream - a "Russian cold" filling. The composition is good - cream, whole milk, condensed milk with sugar, sugar, vanillin, cocoa (for a chocolate analog). Also in the composition there is water. If the ice cream was completely natural, then that would be all and limited. Then the product would be stored only a couple of days.

brands of ice cream in Russia

But in the purchasing version the composition is supplementedstabilizers-emulsifiers, necessary for maintaining uniformity and softness. At best, this is pectin, gelatin and agar-agar. Alas, on the labels of those you will not meet! But on the products "Russian cold" there are no words about the ingredients "identical to natural" and "substitutes." This is good, since in the presence of such lines in the composition, one can speak of synthetic substances alien to the human body.

From the point of view of naturalness

So, let's select the best brands of ice cream from those thatare presented in stores. The topmost line of ratings is taken by the Kuban plombir, produced under the brand "Korovka from Korenovka". It is made according to GOST, it has a delicate creamy taste and only has one stabilizer-emulsifier in the composition. By the way, the list of ingredients opens cream, and not milk, which is a rarity for Russia. In the product there are no vegetable fats, modified starch, substitutes and dyes. Even vanillin is real. This is an almost perfect ice cream "from childhood".

best brands of ice cream

"Silver" belongs to the brand "Clean Line". Her products are also manufactured in accordance with GOST and in accordance with Russian standards. Producers use natural milk and do not add vegetable fats. In ice cream there are no microbes, bacteria, yeasts and preservatives. But there are also disadvantages - a high level of fats and sugar. In addition, the label claims an overestimated proportion of protein, but it does not affect the taste.

The top three also includes naturalice cream brand "Chelny Cold". This refrigerating plant is famous for its products for several decades and regularly replenishes its line. The composition of ice cream has changed over time, but production is still conducted according to state quality standards.

Golden mean

In Russia there are brands that are optimal in terms of ratio"price quality". This is the "Golden Standard" ice cream without vegetable fats, microbes, yeasts and preservatives. The content of sugar and fat corresponds to the declared. The only "but", because of what the product does not belong to the obvious leaders, is the presence of only dry milk in the composition.

natural ice cream brands

Since we list well-known brands in Russiaice cream, the list will not be complete without a "USSR" filling. It also meets all mandatory requirements and takes into account quality standards. But here the yeast index here is very high, although such an amount is not dangerous for the human body.

Outsiders of the sphere

It is worth noting and those brands of ice cream,which have not the highest rates, but an inflated price. In particular, we shall single out a plombier "Vkuslandiya", which, during the investigation, broke up into fat and ice. It has a lot of sugar, which is dangerous for children and people with diabetes.

But ice cream "Family Iceberry" loses in quality because of the large content of vegetable fats. By standards, this is not ice cream at all, but a real fake.

ice cream candy brand

The popular "Nestle 48 kopecks" plombir contains an excess of sugar, which is a violation of technological norms. In the rest the composition is impeccable, and the taste is highly appreciated by consumers.

The biggest disappointment was the Movenpick plombier, where there is twice as much sugar as stated. This is a direct violation of consumer rights.

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