/ / Cookies with predictions. Recipe for beginners.

Cookies with predictions. Recipe for beginners.

Each time starting preparation for the holiday oranniversary, in addition to laying on the table and what to wear, there is another problem: to entertain guests. But how to bake cookies with predictions. Prepare the dough, make small leaves with written wishes and submit to the table. You will need flour, egg, sugar, butter, salt, vanilla and a bit of dexterity. An original and simple cookie with predictions, the recipe of which even novice can master. This tradition came to us from China, where it is baked for the New Year. How to cook cookies with predictions - yes it's very simple!

Stage one. We cook dough for biscuits.


  • Flour - 150 grams, if there are no scales, it's about 10 tbsp. spoons with a small slide
  • Egg - 2 proteins, which will impart a splendor to the test
  • Sugar powder or plain sugar - 100 grams
  • Butter - 50 grams
  • Vanilla - 1 packet (10 grams).

You will also need paper for baking or a non-stick shape, a bit of a knack. The time for which a cookie with predictions is baked, the recipe of which is presented here, is only 20 minutes.


Beat up the proteins to a thick foam, gradually addingsugar or powdered sugar. In a small bowl or a deep plate to pour out the flour with a slide and make a depression in the center. Gradually pour in the beaten proteins, mixing the resulting dough with a fork or a halo, of course, in the absence of a blender. Add butter melted in the microwave oven, but you must first cool it, otherwise the dough will curdle. We pour vanilla, which will add flavor and original taste. We knead the dough to a homogeneous mass. After putting in the refrigerator for about 20-30 minutes.

Little culinary trick: add the beet juice or any food coloring and biscuits into the dough to a different color. Of course, it takes a little longer to tinker, but the surprised and admiring faces of the guests will be the best reward.

Stage Two

Preparing the filling, which will be invested incookies with predictions. The recipe for happiness for everyone is simple and complex at the same time. Health, financial well-being and love. Here are three whales on which human happiness has been standing for ages. If the party is thematic and people of a certain circle will be present on it, then it is better for everyone to write something veiled.

For example: soon there will be happiness in love or be patient and go to your goal. For many, such wishes will be just entertainment, but subconsciously everyone will strive for their goal. Cut from the paper a strip about 2 cm wide and 10 cm long and on each write wishes and predictions. You can write numbers and play a special lottery. We fold the leaves and continue to do the test.

Stage Three

We bake cookies with predictions. The recipe on which it is made is very easy and simple. We roll the cooled dough with a rolling pin on a table or a board scattered with flour. Should get a layer about 1 cm thick. Take an ordinary glass or a cup with a diameter of about 10 cm and press it into the resulting layer. Formed circles are sprinkled with flour and we put in the center a rolled-up leaflet with predictions. We protect the edges of the dough to the middle, making a kind of envelope.

After making all the cookies, put them on a baking sheet,Oiled or baked with special baking paper. We put it in the oven, heated to 160C. In a few minutes, once the cookie has acquired a golden color, you can pull it out of the oven. With a baking sheet it is better to remove after it has cooled down, not to break. Put on a nice dish and serve to guests, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

By the way, if you need a lot of goodies, you can simply order cookies with predictions in a special firm that bakes and delivers it on time.

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