/ / Waffle recipe in electric wafer dish: different cooking options

The recipe for wafers in electric waffle iron: different cooking options

For sure many lovers of sweet productsThere is a simple recipe for waffles in electric wafer. After all, such a home-made dessert has a special taste and ease in cooking. However, it is worth recalling that, depending on the type of kitchen appliances, this dish can be prepared in different ways: in the form of delicate cookies or crispy wafers-tubules. Consider these two options in more detail.

Recipe for waffle for electric wafer: soft and sweet products

Necessary ingredients for the test:

recipe for waffles in electric wafer

  • sand sugar - 150 g (you can slightly more if you want a very sweet biscuit);
  • wheat flour - 400 g;
  • milk fresh 3% - 1 faceted glass;
  • soda food and lemon juice for its quenching - along a dessert spoon;
  • butter fresh creamy or margarine - 210 g;
  • chicken eggs large - 3 pcs .;
  • vegetable oil - 10 ml (for lubricating the electric wafer dish).

Dough preparation process

The recipe for waffles in electric waferUse only melted butter or margarine. It needs to be rubbed together with granulated sugar, add fresh 3% milk, beaten chicken eggs, baking soda, slaked with lemon juice, wheat flour. As a result, you should get a thick and fragrant dough.

Baking process

Once the base is ready, you should immediatelyand proceed to its thermal treatment. To do this, heat the electric wafer, lubricate it with vegetable oil (if required), and then put a full large spoonful of dough in the middle of the device. After this, the flap of the device should be pressed firmly. Bake such soft waffles until they are evenly browned on both sides.

recipe wafers for electric waffle iron soft

Crispy wafers in electric wafer: recipe

Necessary ingredients:

  • fresh creamy margarine - 200 g;
  • chicken eggs large - 4 pcs .;
  • sand sugar - 1 full glass;
  • wheat flour - 1.7 cups;
  • vanillin - a bag.

Dough preparation process

Such a recipe for waffles in an electric waferUse to make sweet and delicious straws with boiled condensed milk and nuts. To knead the dough, melt the creamy margarine over low heat, lightly cool it in the air, add sugar, chicken eggs, vanillin and wheat flour. As a result, you should get a thick and oily foundation.

Baking process

crispy waffles in electric wafer
The recipe for wafers in electric wafer requires a specialcaution while baking crispy products. After all, after they are covered with a ruddy crust in the electrical device, they should be placed very quickly on the cutting board and rolled into a small pocket or a tube. If you do not stick to the proper pace, then, most likely, your culinary idea will not succeed. This is due to the fact that crispy wafers freeze almost immediately.

Correct feed to the table

It does not matter at all, you prepared soft Viennese waffles or crispy straws with condensed milk. In any case, such a sweet dish should be served to the table with hot tea, cocoa or coffee.

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