Recipe for moonshine from wheat
Technology of production of wheat moonshineis the most difficult in a number of similar, and the manufacturing process is the most time consuming and time consuming. But the product obtained is superior to all other drinks obtained by home distillation, according to taste, and the content of harmful impurities in it is minimized. The recipe for moonshine from wheat requires, above all, patience, strict adherence to instructions and excellent quality of raw materials.
Malt manufacturing is a basic component, fromwhich, in the final analysis, depends on the quality of moonshine. The grain for malt must meet the highest standards, be at least two months and not older than one year from the time of harvest. It is not allowed to pollute, prejudice, frost damage, damage by pests.
Recipe for moonshine from wheat providessoaking the grain during the day with a three-time change of water. Wet grain is placed in boxes with a layer of no more than 10 cm and is stirred every 8-10 hours to remove excess carbon dioxide. If the grain is too dry, it is sprayed, but, in no case, do not wet. Wheat germinates on average for a week: rootlets reach one centimeter, sprouts - 7 mm, the taste of the grain becomes sweet, so malt is ready. This malt is called green. As prescribes the prescription of moonshine from wheat, it is necessary to use it for several days, then it just spoils. Green malt is dried at a temperature of +40 C until it turns white. White malt is 20% weaker than green, but it can be stored for years, protecting it from moisture.
Malt serves as an enzyme in a chemical reactionconverting starch into sugar. It is added to the must in the form of malt milk, that is, a mixture of malt and water. Before mixing water, the malt is ground into flour.
The wort is prepared as follows: Flour pour hot water in a proportion of 1: 4 and bring the temperature to a boil. To make the flour not burnt, steam is used as a heating source. Brewing grain takes about two hours, the duration of the process depends on the grinding and quality of the raw materials. Ready wort is forcedly cooled and it is poured into malt milk in a proportion of 5: 1. When the mixture reaches T = 30 C, yeast is added, this temperature is maintained throughout the fermentation time. Five days later, Braga is ready. The alcohol content in it is 7-12%.
It is much easier to produce sugar from sugarfaster because there is no sugar saccharification step. The sugar / water ratio is 1: 4, for each kilogram of sugar, 100 g of dry yeast is required. Finished brag about in about 7-10 days.
Self-made from starch is also done fairlysimply: starch is poured in water in a proportion of 1: 2, cooked jelly, preferably without lumps. Sour sugar is poured into the jelly at the rate of 1 kg of starch - 100 g of sugar and dry yeast is added - 50 g per 1 kg of starch. Braga is ready for distillation after 5 days.
Only the recipe for moonshine from wheat is categoricallyinsists on the use of steam when the brew is heated, for other types, any method of heating is acceptable. For the distillation of all types of brags, a conventional brew (distillation) apparatus is used. The optimum temperature is T = + 98 C, it is clear that it is practically impossible to keep it on gas, for this reason, moonshine has an unpleasant taste and smell.
There are various ways to clean and mitigatemoonshine. For 1 liter of brew, add 10 g of soda, mix and let stand, then pour a solution of manganese 2 g per liter. The reaction takes place for 30 minutes, then the soda is mixed and the moonshine is left for 12 hours. A sediment forms on the bottom of the vessel. With the help of a hose, the moonshine is poured into a clean vessel. Then, it is possible to re-distill. Soften the taste of moonshine sugar, insist it on herbs, oak bark, dry orange or lemon crusts.