/ / What can I cook from eggs. Myths about a well-known product.

What can be cooked from eggs. Myths about a well-known product.

For a long time now, the bird's egg,chicken, serves as food for man. Another Avicenna spoke about the benefits and healing properties of this nutritious product. Indeed, in the egg there are many useful and valuable substances, and they contain both the egg protein and its yolk.

Over the centuries-old history of the use of thisproduct was created a variety of recipes from eggs. However, many myths about the benefits and harms of eggs were generated in this process. Let's try to understand them before we talk about what to cook from eggs.

So, the myths:

  • The egg damages the liver.

The egg contains amino acids useful for the livermethionine and choline, so they do not represent any danger to the liver. However, if there are stones in the liver, eggs are contraindicated. Their use in this case will cause painful colic. It is also not desirable to eat eggs with the addition of mayonnaise, despite the taste that this combination gives.

  • Egg is difficult to digest.

Of course, the egg is digested in any case. The question is, what time is needed for this. Faster digested are those that have undergone less heat treatment.

  • The brighter the yolk, the more useful it is.

The color of the yolk does not affect its useful properties. It depends on the feed that the chicken used.

  • The egg is harmful because it increases cholesterol.

Eaten eggs on the level of cholesterol affect slightly. Cholesterol in the egg is balanced with lecithin.

  • The egg is the cause of salmonellosis.

This is possible, but if you wash eggs before using it, you can avoid it.

  • The egg is not stored for more than a week.

If you put an egg with a sharp end down, thus avoiding pressure on its air chamber, then the shelf life can be increased.

  • Egg is a miracle product.

Eats alone can not be eaten. They do not contain everything that is necessary for our body. They do not contain vitamin C and carbohydrates.

So, what can be cooked from eggs. After all, whatever they say, the product is wonderful. Egg can be considered a universal product, that from it just do not cook. Moreover, the preparation of egg dishes does not take much time. If you take the list of all the dishes that you can cook from eggs, you will probably get a very long list, which contains a huge number of snacks, salads, desserts and many other varieties of dishes.

What can you cook from eggs, say, for breakfast. The ideal breakfast is a soft-boiled egg. But someone may seem too simple. Therefore, we will prepare an omelette with mushrooms and ham.

For its preparation it is necessary to take:

  • on 100g. mushrooms and ham;
  • egg - 6 pieces;
  • bulb;
  • some cream;
  • salt, pepper, herbs.

Mushrooms fry until ready, beforehand, theirwashing and slicing. Then add the ham and onions. Fry all together. Eggs with cream beat in a separate bowl and season with spices. Then mushrooms and ham are put in a baking dish and pour over the egg-cream mixture. Bring it to the oven.

What can you cook from eggs on a festive table. Elegant and fairly simple to prepare a snack of eggs - it's eggs stuffed. And you can stuff them all, than your heart desires. Take, for example, sprat pate and mix it with yolks of boiled eggs, the proteins of which are cut into halves. We are ready and stuffing and the basis for minced meat. It will remain this stuffing stuffed halves of eggs and put them on a dish, which should be lined with lettuce leaves. Stuffed with half of egg each mayonnaise. I must say that this snack has an excellent taste and looks great. Is not it a festive dish?

Thus, the egg is not only a tasty and healthy product, but also a real wand for the hostesses, when it is necessary to prepare a hearty breakfast or to cover the table for guests in an original way.

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