/ / Soup recipes

Soup recipes

The soup recipes are increasingly of interest to people. After all, this is not just a tribute to fashion. Someone is preparing soup soups for religious reasons, and someone is trying to lose weight and cleanse the body. Despite the fact that in lean soup there is neither meat nor fish, lean soups can be cooked so that they are both tasty and nutritious.

Let's figure it out in more detail.

There are two types of soup recipes:

1) The recipes of soups are the same as the recipes of all the known soups, only they do not put meat or fish.

These include: lean borsch (prepared on vegetable broth, without the addition of fat, and, of course, no meat);

beetroot (without sour cream and eggs);

soup hurcho (no meat is put, only onion, rice, garlic, tomato paste and spices to taste);

Lenten soup (again without meat);

pea soup (without meat).

All these soups can be served on a table with rusks, sprinkled with fresh herbs.

2) Postal recipes for soups, in which meat was not originally intended to be placed.

Let's talk about this in more detail:

So, here are the most common recipes for soups without meat:

Lentil soup

Broccoli cream soup

Lentil soup with rice

Vegetarian soup with homemade noodles

Red bean soup.

Now consider the recipes for soups without meat more.

Lentil soup. It can be cooked from both green and red lentils. Lentils have long been known to the people of the world as a delicious and nutritious dish. Lentil contains a large amount of protein, so it is an excellent alternative to meat.

The easiest recipe for lentil soup: We put in the boiling water chopped onions and carrots (they can also be fried in a frying pan). Put the lentils. Solim, add spices to taste. Lentils are cooked very quickly, in 10-15 minutes it is completely ready.

Broccoli cream soup. Broccoli is a type of cabbage, and, according to the recognition of doctors and nutritionists, it is useful for health and for the figure. It quickly prepares, has a pleasant creamy taste. In broccoli soup, put onions, potatoes and actually broccoli. Soup is prepared simply - with spices boiled all vegetables, cabbage is added. Then the resulting soup must be ground in a blender. Sprinkle with greens before serving. Any soup-puree is best used with breadcrumbs.

Lentil soup with rice. For cooking soup, use onions, carrots, lentils, rice, spinach, sweet pepper, tomato paste. First, in the boiling water put onions, carrots, peppers, rice. Then lentils. Finally put the spinach and tomato paste. This soup is just a storehouse of vitamins. Not to mention that it is delicious and nutritious.

Vegetarian soup with homemade noodles. Home-made noodles are much more delicious than those noodles that are produced on an industrial scale. Home-made noodles itself is the central part of the dish. We still have to add unchanged onions and carrots, a little greens.

Red bean soup. The peculiarity of the preparation of beans is that the beans long boil. Therefore, it is recommended to soak the beans for the night, but even the beans must be cooked for 2 hours. However, the bean soup is thick and nutritious. Beans, carrots, tomatoes, greens are added to bean soup. If you use beans from a jar, the process of making soup, naturally, is greatly accelerated.

Recipes of low-calorie soups are also of interest to many people. It's so important to keep an eye on the figure while staying healthy.

As ingredients for low-calorie soupsyou can use a variety of vegetables, lentils, lean fish, shrimp, even chicken. Pumpkin, taverns, all types of cabbage are perfectly suited for the preparation of low-calorie soups.

Recipes of low-calorie soups are oftenvariations of conventional recipes. For example, if you do not add potatoes to the soup, but add more vegetables instead of potatoes, the soup will be less caloric. Also, instead of meat broth, you can use less-caloric chicken broth, and instead of meat use chicken breast.

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