/ / Home preparations: cabbage marinated, in cans, for the winter

Home preparations: cabbage marinated, in cans, for the winter

Cabbage is one of the most valuable sources of vitamin Cand other micronutrients useful to our body. It is good as the main ingredient in salads, cold appetizers, first courses, side dishes. The main thing is to choose a good salting or marinade recipe.

Marinated cabbage, common

cabbage marinated in jars for the winter
So that you get a delicious cabbagemarinated (in cans, for the winter), you can try to prepare it this way. For a liter tank, you need: the vegetable itself - 1 kg, fragrant pepper - 8-10 peas, up to 5 cloves of a carnation, a handful of cumin and coriander. Since you do not have sauerkraut, but cabbage marinated in cans for the winter, then pour it not with pickle, but with marinade: 200 g of vinegar, a little less (120-150 g) of sugar and a tablespoon of salt (you can with a slide) per liter of water, . Seasoning will turn out to be juicy, if you add one more component - onions. But this is optional. Cabbage finely shredded with straw (special machine or by hand). Then for a minute, lower it into boiling water to make it softer. For marinade water should be boiled, dissolve the salt with sugar, at the end pour vinegar and remove the pan from the fire. Now spice is covered in sterilized cans, a little marinade is poured in, tightly cabbage is poured and the remaining liquid is poured over. Pasteurized cabbage marinated in jars (for the winter) 15 minutes - this is for liter containers. Roll it, turn the container and wrap it, leave it cool, then put it in storage in the pantry.

Cabbage in oil

cabbage marinated in cans
Tough, crisp and straight from the jar ready forAs a salad, you get a cabbage harvested in this way: 1 kg of vegetable is needed: salt - 200 g (for marinade), carrots - from 300-500 g, optional 2-3 onions, garlic head. Vegetables shredded or rubbed on a large grater. They should be slightly crushed to let the juice, then rub with a small amount of sugar and salt and put in a prepared container. Cabbage (pickled) is poured in cans for the winter with such composition: per liter of boiled water 200 g of salt, 100-150 sugar, as much vinegar and 250 g of sunflower oil. Naturally, the marinade must be boiling. Banks are closed with nylon caps. After full cooling cabbage is stored in the refrigerator.

Another salad dressing

how to cook marinated cabbage
Very tasty, according to the fans of vegetablesalads, cabbage comes out, marinated (in cans of litters it is more convenient to close it) with zucchini or patissons. Prepared salad as follows: taken in equal amounts, both vegetables cut into small slices. Dip in boiling water for 5 minutes, then put under cold water. Spread prepared vegetables (mixed or in layers) in sterilized cans. And the last stage of how to cook pickled cabbage - fill it with a fill. It is prepared from the calculation: 2 liters of water requires sugar - 2.5-3 cups, vinegar (6%) - 2 cups, as much sunflower oil. Salt should be 4 tablespoons without a slide. The specified amount of marinade is used for 2 kg of vegetables. If there are more, then the amount of filling should be increased proportionally. Close the jars with plastic lids and put them in the refrigerator.

Tasty and useful to you home preparations!

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