/ / Male and female cancer - characteristic of the sign of the zodiac

Man and woman cancer - characteristic of the sign of the zodiac

All people are different. However, they can be combined according to various criteria. One of them is belonging to this or that sign of the zodiac. And for each of them a horoscope is compiled. Today we are interested in Cancer. Characteristics, features and all the most interesting about this sign are described in our article.

cancer characteristic


Initially, it is necessary to understand when to be borna person to belong to such constellation as Cancer. What is the correct number for this sign of the zodiac? There are many different astrological calendars that differ for one or a couple of days. But it is generally accepted that Cancers are people born from June 22 to July 22.

basic information

What is he in life - a man born underzodiac sign Cancer? Characteristics of representatives of this constellation is very interesting. It should be noted that these are people who are easy to get by. They have their own special world, which is inaccessible to others. And even if the Cancers seem to be strong and independent, in the shower they are most often small children, who require care and attention.

It should be noted that representatives ofthis constellation is excellent. At home they always have order. However, there is a passion for accumulation. So, in the house of Cancer there can be a lot of the most various things. Without which, however, you can get along. The same can be said about money. So, the people of this sector of the zodiac circle are striving for material well-being. They urgently need to have everything in order in terms of money. They also like to flaunt their financial well-being.

horoscope cancer man characteristic

Negative in the nature of Cancers

What is interesting about the sign of the zodiac Cancer? Characteristics of such people also reduces to the consideration of negative aspects of character. First of all, it should be noted that people born at this time are very emotional. And often their feelings take precedence over reason and logic, which causes many problems. Cancer can easily offend, but after a while he is ready to pretend that nothing has happened.

Also people of this zodiac sign are veryirritable. And often this is a huge obstacle to career development. If we restrain this character trait, everything can develop in the best way. Otherwise, Cancer will always occupy working positions, without progressing at all on the career ladder.

Representatives of this sign tend to rush intoextremes. So, they do not see gray shades, for them there is only black and white. This is a huge problem, especially in relations with loved ones and relatives.

cancer from which by what number

Positive aspects of character

What is good about Cancer? The characteristics of these people indicate that they are very talented and versatile people. They have a strong imagination, they tend to fantasize and invent. And if this ability to put in the right direction, you can get a good profit.

Emotionality can also be seen withpositive side. Such people always gently treat their beloved, endowing them with a whole range of emotions. They are generous to gentle words and romantic deeds.

Cancers are not wasteful, but rather generous. They will never hide money if a loved one wants something. But they will not give out the money earned by their own labor either from right to left. Cancers know the value of money and value their material condition.

character characteristic of cancer man

About Cancer Men

We consider further the summer horoscope. Cancer-man: the characteristic of the representative of the stronger sex for him is flattering - restrained, calm, benevolent. He is polite and has good manners. But do not forget that Cancer is under the influence of the Moon. It is due to its impact that such people easily change. So, Cancers become irritable, harsh and suspicious. All life's troubles multiply and are perceived as catastrophes of universal scale. This is facilitated by the strongest imagination and the gift to see that which does not exist.

What else is interesting about the summer horoscope? A male cancer, whose characteristic we are interested in, simply does not tolerate ambiguity and ambiguous statements. To be friends with a representative of this sign, you need to express yourself clearly, in fact, not giving the slightest reason for doubt.

It is important not to forget that the male Rakuconstantly need to say what kind of person he is. He needs it as air. Only in this case the representative of this sign will be laid out to the fullest, giving more than receiving. In a family, such men are prone to patriarchy: they must answer for everything and keep abreast of all matters. Moreover, they praise men's dignity higher than women's. However, if Cancer falls in love, this arrogance and snobbery from him disappear. Remain only tenderness and vulnerability, as well as a desire to please their half.

What else interesting can tellcharacter characteristic? Cancer-Man house considers its fortress. And he tries to make it so, filling it with all necessary. Also it should be noted that these are excellent fathers who are very attached to their children and will give everything that will be in their power. Regarding sexuality: these guys are able to give the woman the highest pleasure. However, first of all they will take care of themselves, and only then about the partner.

snake cancer characteristic

About Cancer Women

Looking at the horoscope Cancer, from which toThe number is governed by this sign, also a couple of words need to be said about women. Initially, it should be noted that these ladies are very sensual, emotional and, unfortunately, hot-tempered. In addition, they can always yearn for a better life, skipping the good things that are happening here and now. These are huge owners who take everything they think is important and necessary to their home. I must say that women-Cancers are the best keepers of other people's secrets. They will never tell the secret they trust. These ladies have a very strong maternal feeling, these are excellent housewives. Also it must be said that women-Cancers tend to be always the first, including taking the main roles in the family.

tiger cancer characteristic

Combination of two horoscopes

Separately, it is worth considering the compatibility of the two major horoscopes. What are they, Cancer, in that case?

  1. Rat. These are dreamy Cancers. But we must remember that entertainment can be too expensive for them.
  2. Cancer-Ox is very soft and calm. However, he risks never going to the career ladder.
  3. Tiger-Cancer. Characteristics of such people: calm, inactive, lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  4. Cancer Cat is a peaceful personality that nothing bothers. However, such people can be too effeminate.
  5. Dragon Crab. They are dreamy people, hovering in the clouds. They are inclined to build castles in the air and live in a fictitious world.
  6. Snake-Cancer. Characteristics of such people: very calm. They require a push, because they can not move and act.
  7. Horse-Cancer. Sensitive. Good worker.
  8. Goat-Cancer. Very kind and good man. Is able to concede.
  9. Monkey-Cancer. Such people are important material welfare.
  10. Cock-Cancer. Very frank and trustful. Therefore, they are often deceived even by the closest people.
  11. Dog-Cancer. Very sensitive nature. Excessively vulnerable, as too trusting.
  12. Pig-Cancer. Lovers are good at eating. They appreciate cordiality and affability in people.

But still it is worth remembering that the horoscope isonly an approximate, generalized characteristic of a person. After all, every person is a multi-faceted individual with multiple and unique aspects of character.

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