/ / Prayer "Rejoice, Virgo, rejoice" is one of the main

Prayer "Rejoice, Virgo, rejoice" is one of the main

Many now consider themselves Christians, but notknow even the most elementary prayers, which children used to know by heart. Not everyone knows why you should know them by heart, because you can always pray in your own words. This, of course, is right, prayer is not some kind of magic formula. It is not so important with which words a person refers to God, it matters, with what attitude. So why then learn the prayers by heart or read them according to the prayer book?

Prayer rejoice Devo rejoice

All modern prayers are not composedjust people, and saints, devotees of piety. They were people with great spiritual experience, talented writers who in a few words could express the most important briefly, but in a capacious manner. For example, prayers that are supposed to be read before the communion are filled with repentance, awareness of their unworthiness and the greatness of God.

The prayers of the Mother of God usually have a slightly different coloring. They are like a child's treatment of his mother. The text of the prayer "Virgin Mary, rejoice" is made up of several excerpts.

Explanations on the text

Appeal begins with greetings, withwhich the Angel turned to Virgo. At that moment, she read and prayed. "Rejoice, O Virgin, Rejoice!" - that's how the angel greeted Mary, a young girl.

She, of course, was embarrassed. Also has asked, why such strange reference or manipulation? To this the Archangel announced the astonishing news that at last a universal prayer was heard. "Rejoice, Virgo, rejoice, you will bear a Son who will be the Savior of the whole world." Maria began to find out how this could happen if She "does not know her husband." But the Archangel explained that the conceived will be from the Holy Spirit. During the prayer, we constantly mention parts of that Arkhangelsk speech: "Blessed are you in wives", "Blessed is the Fruit of your womb". The fruit of the womb is, of course, Christ. This praise of the Mother of God, of course, became the most precious memory of the Virgin for Her earthly life, and the moment that turned the whole history of the Earth.

test of prayer to the Blessed Virgin rejoice

How to pray

Most often a prayer for a modern person -this is a petition, and if there are no requests, then it seems to be no longer a prayer. "Rejoice, Virgo, rejoice, Blessed is God with You" - all this is a thanksgiving, not a plea, and that's fine. Some people perceive God as a kind of supreme conscience, there are no relations, but endless transactions and complaints. This is not what Christ wanted when he came to Earth. He did not promise a simple life, He did not promise prosperity. On the contrary, He spoke about the difficulties that Christians will pursue.

But the Lord is always ready to help, worthonly to ask. The main goal of a Christian is to save his soul, he must constantly improve, approach God. And the main tool with which to act is prayer. "Rejoice, Virgo, rejoice!" - in this sense, a completely unique glorification. This is a reminder of the moment when one girl became so close to God, like no one before or after Her.

the devil's prayer rejoice

Of course, the Mother of God was very special from birthchild, but in a sense quite the same as all other people. She was also tempted, She also had to deal with inappropriate desires, like all of us. But She placed God in the center of her life, gave up everything, even from marriage and motherhood for His sake. And as a result, it was she who became the One that changed everything.

But were there any variants?

Annunciation is a holiday established in honor ofVisitation of the Virgin Mary by the Archangel, when it was first uttered a greeting and a prayer: "Virgo, Hail" archangel proclaimed the Mother of God the will of God, but he also claims, and her consent to what is happening. That is, the fate of the whole world and God's plan for people depended on Her will at that moment. But fortunately, this girl (She was only 15 then) replied. "Budi Mi on your verb" It also should learn from the Mother of God: when we pray, we must issue a decision to trust God and not to insist on.

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