Arkan the Emperor (Taro): meaning in the story
The older lasso heads in the ancient deck. They reflect the essence of things eternal for society and the individual. Younger people are believed to supplement and diversify them. The emperor (Tarot) has a global meaning. It reflects tradition in the broadest sense of the word. The structure of any society is based on certain rules. It is them that reflects the Arcana Emperor (Tarot). The significance of this arcana is difficult to overestimate, it is so deep. Let's look at its essence and influence on various layouts. Any card plays its own role in the combination, reflects some of the reality. If you understand the meaning of the arcane, you can add a very detailed picture of the past and the future.
The Emperor (Tarot): the meaning and essence
It is curious that the cards came up in the oldtimes when they did not even imagine flying to the stars, computers and other modern things. However, the Tarot deck, having passed through the millennium, still gives the most correct and detailed forecasts as before. Why does this happen? You did not ask such a question? In fact, mankind has not changed much. Scientific progress does not abolish the deep foundations inherent in arcana. This is the level of the subconscious, coded in energy information structures, inherited.
The head of the family (father) always provided for his childrenmaterial goods. He was honored and obeyed, obeyed and afraid to contradict. This order was necessary to ensure that the genus did not die, continued in the future. The Emperor (Tarot) value in the deck has a similar head to a strong family, arranged according to the traditions of ancestors. He personifies power in a broad sense, not the present democracy, but a patriarchal force that does not tolerate self-will. He is a kind but strict father, caring for those who depend on him. He took all responsibility for the race for himself and requires unconditional submission.
Today there are few families arranged in this way. This is the trend of the times, everyone, coming out of childhood, is able to provide for himself. But to imagine schematically what the meaning of the Arcana Emperor (Taro), the significance of which we are discussing, is very simple. His energies were embodied in the structural arrangement of large and not very corporations. There is a president, strict rules and initiative. Employees must obey the leader, work for the benefit of the enterprise, but have a certain freedom, limited by the framework of instructions and internal laws. This is security and security, for which they pay their own will. Approximately so you can illustrate the meaning of the Emperor's card in the tarot layout to feel its spirit. It reflects order and tradition.
The meaning of the inverted Emperor
In the calculations, both the position and theorientation maps. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what the Emperor is upside down (Taro). The value of the arkan will be well shown by our previous example. Let's return to the device of the corporation. Above is described the case when it is controlled by a person responsible, having a good education, understanding what is happening, that is, a specialist. But it does not always happen.
Imagine that the personality has broken through to the helmsmall scale, thinking only about the power and the bonuses attached to it. This man will inevitably begin to suppress more talented and intelligent subordinates. Authority is only initially determined by position, but it is very easy to lose by accepting and imposing destructive decisions. It will be necessary for the head to think out how to limit excessively active and initiative employees who are more versed in the organization of business. The method was invented many centuries ago: tyranny. The chief turns into a despot, punishing those who surpass him in the understanding of the process. He has no other way out, you need to crush all those who turn upside down. This is the energy that the Emperor translates upside down (Tarot). Its value in the scenario is destructive, destructive. This is a fool who has reached unlimited power, using it to destroy progress.
Direct Emperor (Tarot): meaning in relationships
In the love story, our lasso demonstratessubordination of partners to traditions. People behave according to the rules of childhood. They tend to hide feelings, which does not contribute to creating an atmosphere of openness and sincerity. The need to observe decency, control words and emotions makes relations predictable, but boring. The emperor (Taro) has a positive relationship, it is about stabilizing the partnership. Most often, the arkan speaks of subordinating people to a common goal. They created a family, now the main thing in life is the upbringing of children, the accumulation of property, the creation of the image of an "ideal family." Romance gradually disappears from their world. It is more important to produce the "right impression". In addition, one of the partners dominates the other, his form in the scenario - the Emperor (Tarot).
The meaning of the relationship card is important, itscan not be ignored. Arkan is good at guessing couples with experience. He talks about the stability of the situation, the absence of serious conflicts. People have developed the rules of the game and obey them completely. One of the partners is appointed a "leader", the other voluntarily submits to him. There may be discontent, but it is suppressed. The meaning of the Tarot "The Emperor in the Love Situation" is often emphasized by surrounding arcana. They talk about the subtleties and nuances. The emperor talks about the established rules that satisfy both. In addition, there is a distribution of roles in the pair. For example, a man earns money, a woman arranges a life, brings up children.
The Influence of the Inverted Emperor on the Love Layout
The prediction of our lasso depends onaccompanying cards. The fact is that the inverted Emperor reflects the reverse side of the order - chaos. People can not find common ground, they do not understand each other at all. Something has eludedly changed, their roads diverge, although they are still clutching at their former happiness, trying to get everything back on track. Tarot The Emperor's value inverted reverses completely the opposite. In the situation there is not only the internal structure of rules and laws, its prospects are unclear. In combination with favorable, optimistic maps, the Emperor predicts a sharp turn. Those who quarrel will reconcile, misunderstandings will be clarified and so on.
Exactly with the same probability the result canbe negative. The fact is that the value of the map of the Emperor (inverted) in the Tarot is diverse. Chaos gives rise to a different reality, what it may turn out to be, depends on partners, their conscience, worldview, compassion and the like. In a situation that affects our lasso, someone is trying to seize power, without any reason. The second partner does not agree to obey. If they manage to discuss the problem openly - they will find a way out together; no - they will part forever.
The meaning of the map of the Emperor in the scenario of relations,if he describes extraneous influence, a little different. A curious, shameless despot, who wants to turn everything in his own way, brazenly steps into the life of people. It is necessary to get rid of this, not to let close to the tender sphere of love.
How to read a map in short
Selecting the number of arcana in combination directlydepends on the level of the question. Experts know a lot of layouts, everyone else also comes up with their own. Ordinary people use the described combinations to avoid confusion. It is often easier to pull out just one map describing the situation and development prospects. Otherwise, it is not difficult to get confused in the interlacing of the meanings of the Arcana. What to think, when the Emperor (Taro) fell out? The value in the relationship is one card has the following: the arkan characterizes the stress node, describes the essence of the problem.
The direct Emperor says that the situation is stable,but has hidden negative trends associated with abuse of power. One partner or both are depressed, dissatisfied with the current state of affairs. People do not have enough romance, going beyond the boundaries of established rules of communication. On the other hand, partners do not have the strength to break out of this vicious circle. For this, courage is necessary, since, destroying the settled world, they will lose their sense of security. The desire of new sensations, which can not be realized without risk, is foretold by the Emperor (Taro).
Value in the love affairs of the upturned arcana is notso great. As a rule, it speaks of a temporary crisis, a bad mood, a conflict, the predominance of selfishness in one of the partners. As they say, a person will lose accumulated steam, and everything will return to the previous channel.
Interpretation of the lasso in the business scenario
The Arcanes, where the Emperor is depicted, is 4 in the Tarot. The significance of this position is order and earthly power. In the business situation, the map indicates a certain state structure, a boss or an influential person. The main events will be associated with this institute. For example, you will have to turn to the powers that be with your problems. If the Emperor fell in a straight position, then the answer will be satisfactory, in the reverse situation, one should not rely on support. In general, our lasso demonstrates the maturing of a fortuneteller, his realistic attitude to what is happening. A person realizes his dignity, he works on shortcomings. Youthful illusions no longer fog the brain. He understands that he rightfully belongs, and is not ready to come to terms with the lesser.
Tarot The Emperor, whose importance is power,says that the person has matured in order to take responsibility for himself. In practical terms, this may be dismissal on one's own initiative, because the position does not satisfy, does not bring sufficient funds, does not open up prospects for growth. Or, conversely, the proposal of a new place, in which talents and ability are realized most fully. If the card says about the external environment, it means that the person influenced by the situation is influenced by the situation. He helps (straight lasso) or hurts (inverted). It is impossible to ignore his views at the moment. It will be necessary to respond proceeding from the current state of affairs. Young people in the layout of a career the Emperor foreshadows support in their plans. If it falls upside down, it is too early to start one's own business, it is necessary to gain experience and knowledge.
The meaning of the map in the situation on the situation
Whatever the question, but at this time everythingwhat is happening is controlled by a wise and strong person. The emperor describes a tough realist, able to manage, understanding the thoughts and feelings of others, who knows how to find a balance, to force, if necessary. It is this person who is involved in the situation. He is reliable, but he is quite powerful. If this person confronts you, go to negotiations. This is not a tyranny, you can come to a consensus that satisfies both sides. In addition, a clash with law enforcement officers or other government bodies foreshadows our lasso. You have to limit yourself, take into account the interests of others - this is the essence of what the Emperor (Taro) has value.
The situation can be beneficially influenced by a person,much older than the fortune-telling by age or wisdom. It involves powerful forces that have their own idea of how and what should happen. Arcana Council - act based on tradition, now is not the time for risky experiments. Another interpretation: the one who will prove to be useful to society, structure, family will win.
The emperor is a patriarch in a way. It requires loyalty to duty, dedication, responsible attitude towards common interests. If it falls in a straight position, then you have to obey, getting a nice bonus. Do not fight the system, it is stronger. Retreat for a while from the intended, trying to get involved in the overall process. Such behavior is more advantageous and more promising than war with windmills of vanity.
Interpretation in the scenario of desire
The emperor reflects all aspects of power. It shows the involvement in the process of structures responsible for order, control, even suppression of resistance. If the question concerned the implementation of a particular case, the appearance of our lasso in a direct position is very positive. He calls for a focus on achievement. A person has enough strength to grab his star from the sky and enjoy happiness. That is, the desire is uniquely fulfilled, but not without the appropriate steps on the part of the questioner. There is no miracle to wait. In addition, the lasso recommends looking around. Nearby there is a person who has influence who will help with pleasure. It must be found and asked for support. Oddly enough, this person is closer than you think. As a rule, it turns out to be a close friend, a loved one, a relative. Just open up to others, tell us about your cherished dream. They will definitely support.
It's a different matter when, in divination, the desire of the Emperorfalls in an inverted position. This indicates that the person is hovering in the clouds, he does not have solid ground under his feet. A dream is not just not realistic, it is destructive. Personality tends to its destruction. That is, you want what will be harmful, bring disaster. Do not dismiss the warning. It is necessary to reflect on what is conceived. Most likely, you will understand why the realization of a dream is difficult. Execution of the conceived will bring a lot of grief either to you, or to others.
Decoding in the scenario of health
Order has long been considered a guarantee of goodstate of health. Life was built in such a way that young people did not harm themselves, seeking for their dreams, until they extend the family. From this idea of the lasso we should also start, deciphering the balance of health. It is necessary to follow the regime, adhere to the traditions of ancestors, to get rid of the problem. It can not be quickly solved, a systematic, fundamental work is needed.
If asked about the methods of treatment, the Emperoradvocates for traditional medicine. It is not necessary to address to alternative methods of treatment, they will not bring advantage. The inverted Emperor often gives out slackness, disorganization of the person. The ailments were the result of his lifestyle. It is necessary to return to traditions, to sleep and eat according to the regime, not to overexert the body. Otherwise, deterioration of well-being inevitably.
If the moon is next to the inverted Emperor,speak of corruption. And she is not medically treated. It should be asked how they work with energy-related problems. The fact is that the Emperor is responsible for generic ties. Inverted, it reflects their loss. Man has lost touch with the ancestral source of life-giving energy. This causes problems, including health. If the question concerns operative intervention, the Emperor recommends not to refuse. Just choose a medical institution with a good reputation, highly qualified personnel.
Recommendations of the Emperor (Tarot)
The arkan in the forward position presages a measured,quiet, comfortable life. The fortuneteller has a protector who cares about his well-being, leading to prosperity and happiness. However, he does this from his understanding of how Paradise is structured. This real or supreme patron, of course, takes into account the interests of the ward, but can not fully understand that. He cuts off some variants of the development of events at his own discretion. That is, the Emperor speaks of a restriction. Some people like this situation quite well. Why look for adventure? As the parrot Kesha used to say: "They feed us well here." Others such affectionate pressure strains, upsets, pushes to depression.
Arkan The Emperor recommends that you try your hand,independently make decisions, consult with intuition, that is, grow and develop. A man can not be cared for before sen. Sooner or later it will be time to become a patron of the young. That is, you need to get your experience, stuffing bumps, experiencing euphoria from achievements.
The second advice of the arcana is the ability to understand what ispower. While you are limited, learn not only to do the same thing, but also remember the mistakes of "tyrants". Life of the family is a constant overcoming of obstacles, correction of the fact that the ancestors did not understand. The emperor hints at the need to adopt and improve the experience of older (or stronger) ones. It is the duty of every adult person.
The third recommendation of the lasso is the understanding of howchaos develops into an order. To be responsible for oneself and others, one should orient oneself in the processes, be able to determine and direct them in a positive way. This is wisdom, which is not given from above, it must be nurtured in oneself. And, of course, it will not come, if only philosophize, study theory.
The fallen Emperor shows that the person is readywork on the awareness and development of their wisdom, and the first (or next) step - the situation on which the alignment is performed. So, gradually you will gain power in the volume that is necessary to feel yourself in demand, a real person - a support for loved ones.
The Emperor is a very good, positive card. She, like a tender father, guides, gives support, teaches and takes care. Good luck!