/ / Oriental horoscope and its features: Tiger-woman and Tiger-man - compatibility is possible?

Eastern horoscope and its features: Tiger-woman and Tiger-man - compatibility is possible?

The tiger shares the palm tree with the lion anda throne in the beast kingdom. Both predators are beautiful in their wild indomitable, graceful, graceful. And dangerous too equally: merciless and cunning, like all members of the family of felines. How much quality and quality are transferred to people born in the years when these predators command the parade?

Character typology and compatibility

Tiger-woman and Tiger-male compatibility
Those representatives of the human race whowas born in the year of the Tiger, can be divided into 2 categories. Some are the real embodiment of nobility and spiritual exclusivity, others are their complete opposite. As if the contradictory nature of the king of beasts was divided into parts, and each received a separate materialization. Therefore, if they decide to tie their Tiger-woman and Tiger-man, their compatibility will depend precisely on which side: good or evil - each of them accepts.

Tiger with the sign "+"

horoscope male tiger
Naturally, if both are guided inactions and in life in general become already classical concepts of honesty and decency, of faithfulness in love and this word, they will easily find a common language, and the proximity of ideals will complete the emerging sympathy. True, on the pathways of fate, it will not always be easy for them, for knights without fear and reproach, alas, are rare, and mankind has long lived by completely different, rigid laws. Still, the Tiger-woman and the Tiger-man, whose compatibility will be possible, like musketeers, shoulder to shoulder, back to back, will meet all adversity, together fight them, without fear of betrayal or a blow below the belt. They are hardworking, courageous, sincere, ready to fight for the sake of justice. In love they are gentle and passionate at the same time, playful and sexy. Excellent parents, caring and demanding, affectionate, but without sugary. Such a Tiger-woman and a Tiger-male compatibility of their tandem will be confirmed every hour by actions aimed at strengthening the family's well-being, establishing a comfortable microclimate, coziness and warmth in it.

Tiger with the sign "-"

woman-tiger compatibility
And if our heroes are of the oppositecamp? Oh, it's impossible to avoid dramas in the spirit of Shakespeare and play passions akin to ancient Greek tragedies. After all, the second type of representatives of the "tiger" breed is equally unordinary and stands out from the general human mass. Only already with a minus sign. Their own dignity and pride, peculiar to the first type, were reborn in them into vanity and painful narcissism. They require recognition from others of their merits, which by and large are imaginary. Egoists to the tips of the nails, such a Tiger-woman and Tiger-male compatibility with each other put under very great doubt. Both are stubborn to petty obstinacy, hypocritical and vindictive. They will fight for primacy in the family, until someone is in subjection. However, in this case nothing good will come out either. Tigers are leaders by nature. And they do not intend to lose their positions. And after conceding, they will try to return lost at any cost. This is warned in advance by their horoscope. The Tiger man is stronger physically. A woman, as a rule, is more cunning, more cunning. And where one will go ahead, the other will use a bypass maneuver.

The Truth in the Middle

Representatives of the breed of predators know well thatlife is an eternal struggle. And if you combine your efforts, the result can be quite good (under certain conditions). For example, if a female Tiger is compatible with herself such a representative of a cat, only a man, will try to establish not in an intimate sphere, but in a friendly one - success is guaranteed. Where the marriage is deliberately disintegrated, the friendly bonds will prove to be strong and reliable, like ship's ropes, like a sea knot. Together, they argue, astrologers can arrange a revolution, win a presidential election, or make a round-the-world trip. But just like friends!

They are such cunning and charming pussies!

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