/ / The meaning of Darin's name

The meaning of Darin's name

Darina, Daria is a wonderful name thatcharacterizes his possessor as a strong, comprehensively developed personality. The meaning of Darin's name is quite interesting and can tell a lot about the fate and character of a person. Therefore, it is worth familiar with this information.

Origin of the name Darin

the meaning of Darin's name

Darina, or Daria - an ancient Persian name. In fact, this is a female version, which is still from the powerful ruler of King Darius. It's no secret that this leader managed to conquer almost half of the world. The meaning of the name Darin - in translation from the ancient Persian language "strong", "conquering".

The girl who wears this name in patrons hasthe holy martyr Darya of Rome. Name days are celebrated on the first of May. According to legend, Daria was a beautiful priestess in a temple dedicated to Athena Pallas. But after marrying the Roman Hrinsanfa, the woman converted to Christianity. Unfortunately, in those days all those who believed in Jesus were subjected to severe persecution. And the couple did not become an exception - they were seized and divided. Daria was sold to a brothel. But, according to legend, it was guarded by a heavenly lion, who did not allow him to approach the girl. Her husband was thrown into a pit with impurities, but thanks to a miracle, the slops turned into real incenses. The couple were buried in 283.

It is worth noting that the name Darin was extremely popular in the 19 - 20 century.

the origin of Darin's name

The astrological meaning of the name Darin

Since Darya's name days are celebrated in May,the zodiacal sign is Aries. Astrologers believe that the planet Mars influences Darina's life. The best mascot for the girl will be a blood. It is also believed that the color of this name is a bright red shade - it is near it that the girls feel more comfortable. As for the plants, anemones and mountain ash will be favorable for the health and quality of Darya's life. A happy day is Wednesday, and the best time of the year is spring time.

The mystery of Darin

Daria surprises her parentsstarting from the first day of life. As a rule, these are rather restless, but very nice girls. Unfortunately, quite often in childhood, babies suffer from frequent colds and problems with appetite. As for studying, Dasha has a wonderful memory, is inclined to study foreign languages, loves music.

The mystery of Darin

On the other hand, a long studyuninteresting subject quickly tires the child, which is bad for the school marks. But if a girl is involved in something, she turns into a diligent student, striving for an ideal. Since childhood, the child is inclined with sports activities.

With age, Darina becomes more and more likeon a beautiful woman. She is proud of herself, and is well aware of her dignity and external data. Along with this, the owner of this name becomes capricious, quick-tempered and unduly demanding, which creates a lot of difficulties in communicating with relatives and friends. Nevertheless, Dasha is well aware of the price and is confident in her own strength.

The meaning of Darin's name can also tell aboutsome interesting things. For example, as a rule, girls get married late. And although Daria is a wonderful faithful wife and mother, but sometimes it is unnecessarily harsh.

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