/ What kind of religious organization is God's church (Yaroslavl)?

What kind of religious organization is God's church (Yaroslavl)?

In the 90-ies. in our country, the promotion of so many religious organizations that emerged from abroad began to be promoted, taking advantage of the religious vacuum that had developed in the times of the USSR. There were many Protestant trends. It is to them can be attributed a religious organization, which is called God's church. Yaroslavl is the city of the location of this community.

Let's talk about this organization in more detail.

What kind of religious community is this?

This organization belongs to the Pentecostals - one of the directions of the so-called Evangelical Christians. This is one of the many trends in Protestantism.

This organization was founded in 1991. Although so far many residents of the city do not even realize that there is such a community - God's church, Yaroslavl - a city of many thousands, and there is a fairly large number of traditional Orthodox churches. Although this Protestant community is actively working among residents, especially those who support this religious trend, they try to attract young people to their side, including using methods of psychological suggestion.

In this church there are pastors who perform worship services together with believers according to the Protestant canons, relying on the sacred texts of the Bible.

God's Church (Yaroslavl) - known in the cityreligious organization, in addition to worship services, the adherents of this church hold concerts, festive events, charitable events. However, in the city itself this organization is looked at in different ways, often calling it a sect. There are numerous complaints to the prosecutor's office about her activities.

God's church Yaroslavl

What is the known given religious organization?

This organization is known primarily for those,that he is actively trying to work with the media environment. It's not a secret that most young people today live on the Internet much more than anywhere else.

Therefore, in social networks, we can seegroups of this church, they are also on other media resources. Supporters of this religious trend try to organize joint prayers with the help of the Internet, drawing to these prayers even those who are not official members of this church.

sergey lokyan church of the god Yaroslavl

Young preachers of the church

The church of God (Yaroslavl) is well known andtheir pastors, and just preachers of faith. Their videos are posted on all popular video resources. This is a sermon on faith, the place of this faith in the life of man and so on. Preachers try to speak with their flock in a language they understand, use images and stories from biblical texts.

Most of all in this vein, a preacher known as Sergey Lukyanov is known, the Church of God (Yaroslavl) can be rightly proud of this young man, who boldly sets forth the teachings of the Pentecostals.

Thus, we can conclude that thisthe religious community is the center of Protestantism in its modernized form in the ancient Russian city of central Russia. Whether this center is needed or not is to be judged by the residents of the city.

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