/ When is the birthday of Oleg? Oleg's birthday after the church calendar

When the birthday of Oleg? Oleg's birthday after the church calendar

Oleg's birthday is celebrated on October 3 according to the church calendar. On this day it is customary to congratulate men wearing this glorious name. Let's look at this in more detail.

The patron saint of Oleg

birthday of Oleg
Prince Bryansky with the same name was added tothe image of the saints for the deep and unshakable faith that he devoted all his life. By right of inheritance, he had to reign in his possessions. But he considered that service to the Lord required from him a different matter. He founded the Bryansk monastery. There he spent his life as a monk. It is remembered on October 3, so the date of the birthday of Oleg falls on this day. The feat of the prince was that he could give up power and all the relevant privileges. In the thirteenth century, this was completely atypical and even incomprehensible for others. To leave a high post and become a simple monk is a decisive act. Therefore, Oleg's birthday-days are considered a holiday of a gentle, but persistent person, capable of acting with a capital letter. The saint was convinced that physical blessings do not have such value as spiritual goods. Therefore, the monastery was erected at its own expense.

When did they start celebrating Oleg's birthday?

birthday of Oleg in the church calendar
The holy to read began in 1900. At first the decision was made by the city of Bryansk. The Duma declared October 3 as not trading day. At that time, they did not do anything on holidays. In 1903, the day of the memory of Prince Bryansky entered the months of the Russian saints. Since that time, the name day of Oleg has been celebrated. I must say that the relics of the saint, who are now in the monastery, were kept from rape in the early 30's. Then the churches were destroyed, the very concept of faith was destroyed. Naturally, such a relic as holy relics could be lost irrevocably. From times of unbelief and distemper they were hidden in the Vvedensky temple. At the same time, people who participated in the "operation" vowed not to reveal secrets to anyone. Only in 1995 the secret was revealed. The holy relics were returned to the believers.


Conscripts of Bryanskholy relics. Young men ask for blessing for military service. In addition, any person whose fate is connected with the military service, can come to the temple for advice or spiritual support. Saint Oleg is considered the patron of the military. Before monasticism, he himself took part in military campaigns and accomplished many feats, becoming famous for his courage and courage.

What does the name Oleg mean?

It is customary to celebrate the Day of the Angel (name-day) with gifts. But to pick up

oleg the day of the angel's birthday
suitable, it is necessary to know that a personwill like. Let's see how it is best to celebrate Oleg's birthday. It was believed that the so-called simple, reliable and loyal person. Means name: light or sacred. At the same time, these qualities are increasingly manifested with age. Therefore, Oleg will be pleased with simple congratulations, but with pure sense; gifts - cozy, functional, without overtones. For example, you can just try to imagine, what would the saint rejoiced? Oleg, whose birthday you celebrate, most likely, will be grateful for such a gift.

How to congratulate?

The birthday of Oleg falls on the autumn day. Often it is gloomy and cloudy. Therefore, it is desirable to make a few bright, joyful notes in their words, addressed to this

holy oleg
"Light" person. Often, often there are no pessimists. But their silent calmness can be perceived for unwillingness to communicate. This is not true. Give him some of his cheerfulness and find a true friend. In the greeting, try to express in a few sincere words the depth of your respect (or love). Verbose flowery messages are unlikely to impress Oleg. He likes short, but open words. Bear in mind that Oleg is a man who always doubts by nature. Neither the words of congratulations nor the gift should encourage him to reflect on their true meaning. When composing the text of the postcard, take into account Oleg's innate intelligence and the desire for diversity. A close person with this name can be presented with products made of amethyst or tourmaline. This is his stones, which will help to cope with the shortcomings. A good gift to a small Oleg can be an educational toy. It should be borne in mind that the boy is prone to someone else's influence. It should be tried to distract from bad companies. The best means is to occupy his mind. Oleg has enough imagination and logic. It will definitely carry away a new gadget or an intricate puzzle.

How can Oleg address his patron?

Angel Day is the best time to talk with yoursaints. Oleg is recommended to pray that the Higher Powers help him overcome the inborn deficiencies. So, all people with this name consider themselves above others. This quality is almost always unpleasant for others. Therefore, the request for the bestowal of kindness and patience will always be appropriate and timely for him. Feeling your superiority over others is an excellent trait, but you do not always need to demonstrate it so clearly. It is not in vain that Oleg Bryansky became famous for his meekness. The behavior of a saint can become an example for his namesake and through many centuries. Oleg is successful in business. Usually the Angel protects him in this. If there are periods of stagnation or decline, the best way to establish a business will be

date of birthday of Oleg
spiritual communion with your saint. A little stop the run of events, take a look at your behavior on Angel Day.

Interesting gift ideas

For beloved Oleg, you can choose what will besymbolize his name. The animal is a skid. If you know your Oleg well, you will agree that there is something snake in his habits. Of course, not everyone will accept a live slip in the form of a gift, but you can present such a talisman. It will be both original and "with meaning." Lovers of plants can give a camellia. It is also associated with the name of Oleg. A modest flower can become not only a gift, but also a symbol of your relationship. In any case, he will remind Oleg of your feelings. The planet is Venus. With this concept, too, you can fantasize. Especially when your relationship is somewhat closer than just friendly. Just do not give Oleg alcohol. This is not accepted on church holidays, and it will not benefit the man.


Oleg - folksy, they say in the people. It is believed that if the October 3 wind blows from the south, then you can expect a good harvest of winter crops.

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