/ / Astrology and beauty hand in hand: a haircut on the moon

Astrology and beauty hand in hand: a haircut on the moon

Hair - not just vegetation on ourheads, an object of unconcealed pride, or obvious grief of many representatives of both sexes. According to the opinion of many esotericists, they can be considered as certain antennas, attracting to us positive energy from outer space. That's why you should treat your hair carefully. Moreover, people who are versed in magic argue that by cutting their hair, a person changes his life path, his destiny. Therefore, it is necessary to do this, observing certain rules and rituals.

So that the hair would be carried so that the hair would bite

haircut on the moon
A haircut on the moon includes several main points that you can not forget, going to change your hair once again:

  • To hair after shortening rather grown back,it is better to take up scissors with a growing month and in the first 2-3 days of the full moon. Then the night planet will share with them their life-giving energy, they will grow violently. Such a measure is recommended for those people who have hair follicles weakened by discoloration, dyeing, curling, frequent use of a curd and hairdryer. They lack the vitality for active growth. The magic of the moon will be right there.
  • Will come to the aid of a haircut on the moon and those who havehair naughty, with difficulty fit into any hair. Such a type is very easy to learn. They either stick out in different directions, like a straw or a tow, or are scattered with locks and do not want to stick to the braids or lay down. It is for them that the haircut on the moon is decreasing. The nature of the hair will change noticeably. They will cease to be confused, they will begin to fall off a smooth or lush wave (depending on whether curly or not). However, those who want to affect their hair in this way should have patience. Such a haircut on the moon leads to a slowing of hair growth. But grown-ups will become more obedient. There is no evil without good, as they say!
    cutting the lunar calendar
  • What else can the descending month help us? Imagine, many. You are rapidly bald, although you use various miracle shampoos, balms and other medical-hygienic cosmetics? Do not waste your money. It is better to turn again to practical astrology and magic. Cutting on the moon, which is going to decline, will slow down, and then completely stop the process. The roots will become stronger, the hair will grow violent, will become silky, a healthy appearance, which will undoubtedly please you.

With the lunar calendar - in the hairdresser!

The rules read above relate to the generalrecommendations. And now more about the relationship of "haircut - the lunar calendar". It is for the shortening of hair that the third and fourth day is more suitable. They are considered purifying, since they remove the negative negative from the person's aura and free from the influence of energy vampires. Therefore, even pruning the tips leads to the renewal of our energy entities.

haircut on the moon
However, when you go to a hairdresser,just a haircut on the moon. Do not cut yourself, even if you only need to prune the bang. You only exacerbate your own problems, because no psychic can not, for example, improve your health. Masters choose either peer or younger than themselves, then someone else's stronger energy will not affect you. And it is desirable that the species he was not dull, but cheerful - for the same reason. And after communicating with a positive person and your subtle mental level will become significantly lighter.

Beautiful to you and healthy head of hear!

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