/ What dreams about treason of the husband? Your own infidelity?

What does she dream of cheating on her husband? Your own infidelity?

that she dreams of treason of her husband
So we came to the question: what does she dream about treason of her husband? How does our Higher Self warn the consciousness of the threat? Here it is necessary to understand.

It happens that straight dreams come. That is, you in a nightmare see the spouse in the arms of another, and you realize that this is practically a reality! But much depends on how and what dreams. To adultery of your husband you will see the adultery scene with very frank poses. That is, you will be given the opportunity to consider all the "hot" details of what is happening. The next morning you will have a disgusting feeling from playing your own imagination. Here there is an occasion to reflect!

What dreams about treachery of a husband in a dream

Most sources believe thatInfidelity is not her foreshadowing in reality. So, if you ask an English dream book that dreams about treason of a husband, he will answer unequivocally - a kiss. Some other interpreters agree with him. If you are having an "adult" kiss with your spouse, then your thoughts are already directed to the other side. If not physically, then in dreams he has already changed you. The same meaning has a scene when your husband kisses another woman. But we do not mean a simple kiss at a meeting, namely intimate contact with the lips.

In the dream book of Tsvetkov you can also find an unambiguousthe answer to the question: what does she dream about her husband's betrayal? This source believes that the kiss presages betrayal. In this case, the traitor will be the one who caressed you with your lips. If this person was your husband, then the suspicions of infidelity are under the ground.

treachery of dreams

But the "Witch's Dream Book" believes that to changethe wine is dreaming. At the same time, the source is sure that her husband is pushing to infidelity, not his desire for new impressions, but an unscrupulous and insolent girl. She's trying to charm your betrothed.

If the husband is wrong. Interpretation of dreams

Treason of a husband in nightmares does not carry suchnegative value. If you suffer and experience in a dream about the fact that a loved one has found another, it means his sincere loyalty. Waking up, cheer up and thank the Higher Forces for such an image - you are expected to have a long, faithful relationship. The husband is devoted to you and does not think about "side" campaigns.

If you dreamed that the husband is interested(physical) to a celebrity (singer, actress), then your life has become too monotonous. You do not have enough romance. This is not the husband is already ready for adultery, it's you, subconsciously strive for "other meadows", because these bored you. Take matters into your own hands and try to change the situation. The beloved will be grateful to you. And you yourself will get those unforgettable feelings about which you secretly dream.

dream interpretation of treason in a dream
Dream interpretation: betrayal to her husband in a dream

Esoteric interpret this image as a forerunnerremorse. The reason is not necessarily adultery. But unpleasant experiences are assured to you. English dream book believes that changing the wife - to the collapse of hopes in reality. Hasse agrees with him. Wait for justified anxiety, if you can not resist the temptation in a dream.

Believe it or not

Do you dream of a kiss or wine, maybe the very facttreason, before you believe, think well. Is it worth to blame a loved one for sin only on the basis of a flight of fantasy. Maybe we need to discuss everything frankly? Tell him about your night visions. You will laugh together, and that's the case of "treason" and will end!

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