/ / What does the cat foretell in a dream?

What does the cat foretell in a dream?

A cat ... this animal accompanies us, it seems, withthe youngest age. Even if she does not live in the house personally as a pet, we still often meet her at a friend's house, friends and relatives. At the worst, it's easy, as a child, to mess with homeless kittens in the nearest gateway.

But a cat in a dream is, interestingly, a good or a bad sign? What will it bring to us in the future? Is it necessary to tune in to an optimistic mood and try to be on your guard?

Let's try to figure it out together, armed with just a few dream books of different peoples of the world.

So, the cat in a dream ... First of all, I would like toTo note that after carefully searching for the answer to this question, I was much surprised by the fact that seeing a cat as a dream is a harbinger of troubles, failures and quarrels. I could not even imagine that my own cat, having a dream, could hurt me. But however, why do you have to do harm? Perhaps it is this way that warns me against rash actions and hasty decisions.

Much depends also on the color and age of thischarming and majestic "purr". For example, a black cat in a dream portends a betrayal and a meeting with an insidious woman, while the white cat, in turn, warns of danger and possible deceit. But the kittens in a dream is a good sign. Fluffy and playful kids generally dream of success in all endeavors. If you see several small mischievous people at once, then you are destined to like a person who you have long been in sympathy with. One kitten will bring a cute gift in real life. It also happens that in the dream is also a cat-mother feeding her tiny toddlers. This is a sign that is practically guaranteed to bring profit, and this same profit will be more solid, the more kittens have a cat.

If you believe the modern dream book, the cat in a dreamis considered an unfavorable symbol only if you do not run it away, especially if it is trying to attack you. Having frightened and driven away, you can overcome all the adversity in real life. But in any case, you can not kill the animal in a dream, otherwise you yourself in the future will be trapped deadly danger.

Be attentive to what you saw if you dreamed of a dirty animal. Most likely, one of your relatives was in a difficult situation and needs your participation and help.

If in a dream the animal meows, it is worth to look at your environment, most likely, you need to be ready to get a blow in the back from someone you considered a friend.

In the event that a cat sees a young woman, she will soon become a victim of gossip and gossip.

In general, many interpreters of dreams associate a catas with the feminine principle, and with a being that adapts to a person seeking to gain. Very often, if you see an animal, this may mean that you serve for the benefit of someone, but to the detriment of yourself.

Often we, considering the cat as kind and flexiblecreature, misunderstand and interpret our own dreams. In fact, behind the image of this popular pet is a symbol of only imaginary success, apparent security and softness. A cat in a dream tells us about absorption, disguised aggressiveness and energy exhaustion.

Although there is one 100% good sign: if in your dream a cat or cat catches a mouse, then all, as one, dream books predict you great wealth and good profits.

And finally, I would like to note the following.

Yes, a cat in a dream is basically not verya good and joyful harbinger, but on the other hand, think about it, but should you be afraid of it if this charming creature lives in your home and is considered almost a full member of the family?

And even if by tradition it bears a negativemeaning in dreams, and in reality your pet is always ready to comfort, remove the negative, take over all your adversities and illnesses. So what then is bad in a dream, in which you continue to see your pet? Modern scientists suggest, however, first of all to listen to themselves and to their own associations associated with this animal, and only after that draw conclusions about the meanings and interpretations of your sleep.

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