/ / List of sins for confession: to repent of everything

List of sins for confession: to repent of everything

Reconciliation with God is an important part of the practicalfaith in Orthodoxy. Here, unlike Catholicism, a person talks about his sins with his father face to face. It is important to remember that you confess your sins not to that particular priest, but to Christ himself. The King of Heaven stands invisibly next to the cross and the Bible when you speak of your mistakes. Do you need a list of sins for confession and how to compile it?

For beginners

list of sins for confession

If you are going for the first time to repent, youit is not necessary to write a long list of your sins. Often it is enough to simply tell about what is troubling the conscience. Even if you do not know the exact church name of sin, do not be afraid to tell your own words about what seems wrong. Your moral feeling, most likely, does not fail. If you are too critical of yourself, father will help you understand what exactly was done wrong. For the first confession, it is better to choose the moment when there are not very many who wish to repent.

Different approaches

List of sins for confession is bestprepare for the second time. The first time you talk about the sick person - and receive forgiveness. And then you can read the preparation manuals for confession, which are sold in almost every church shop. It can not be said that any particular benefit is definitely better than another. But after gaining experience, people develop preferences. Some are prepared according to the commentaries to the commandments, some prefer a detailed list of "Schools of Repentance" (sold on DVD), and the third is helped by books. It is best to try different methods.

The confessor is hard to find

preparation for confession list of sins

Why is preparation for confession so important? The list of sins allows you not to forget about the important. In addition to the sheet of sins, it is advisable to make brief comments to highlight the accents and highlight the sins that bother you the most. Some priests, because of employment, require that only the name of sin be called, but it is better if the priest knows the circumstances (in brief). Usually a person receives such attention from his spiritual father, but it is difficult to find a confessor because of the depth of communication and increased demands for such a level of interaction. The list of sins for confession must be read out completely, varying the details of the story depending on the requirements of your conscience.

The worst sins

What are the main human sins? You need to know the list, although it is better not to discuss some of the sins aloud. The most terrible pride, always leading to a fall. It all starts with gluttony (alcoholism and smoking are included). Satisfying the desire of his own belly can be overwhelmed by the thirst for fornication. Others suffer from money-love. Along with love of money, anger moves like inability to control oneself, leading to trouble. Even successful people who live without God are often tormented by envy. All these sins cause pain first of all to the sinner himself, destroy his soul to the ground, therefore they are called mortal.

human sins list

List of sins for confession by some priestsafter the sacrament tear to pieces. This allows a person to be psychologically free from sin and to strive for the ideal of Christian morality by gaining new strength.

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