/ / Crusher for wood: it's very easy to make with your own hands

Crusher for wood: it's very easy to make with your own hands

Today, there are many adaptations,which greatly facilitate the daily care of the garden and the house. Not too much will be a wood crusher. Almost everyone can make such a device with their own hands. With the help of such an aggregate, you can grind solid objects.

Of course, someone will use a wood crusher used. Rent of such an assembly, however, will not cost less than the creation of the device with their own hands. Very often the crusher is used for grinding plastics, household rubbish, wood and stones, as well as for crushing objects from metal.

wood crusher

What are the crushers?

Conditionally the crushers are divided into groups according to the type of use. They can be for grinding:

  • plastics;
  • garbage household;
  • wood;
  • metal;
  • stone.

In addition, the crushers are classified by size. The unit may be small - 0.02 m, medium - 0.1 m and large crushing - 0.3 m.

Proceeding from the features, adaptations are:

  1. Knife devices.
  2. Tile devices.
  3. Crusher, equipped with a cone-shaped bunker.
  4. Rotary Knife Machines.
    crusher for wood

How the self-made unit works

Recently, a crusher has been in demand fortree used Avito. However, this is not a universal unit. If you want, you can make a homemade device. To collect it, it is necessary to understand the principle of the operation of such a device.

Works a self-made crusher like the usualmeat mincers. The principle is simple enough. First, the material passes through the drum - the receiving bowl, and then enters the crushing system, where it is crushed very quickly. The compartment that grinds the garbage consists of several cutters and a cutter. At the same time the capacity of the unit directly depends on the power. However, this figure should not be more than 2.6 kW. This is the power that a wood crusher (used or new - does not matter).

What you need to work

To create a crusher for a tree, you will need the following materials:

  1. Saws. The thickness of these details should be 0,6-0,1 m. They are required from 10 to 20 pieces, so that the unit normally works. The more you drink, the better the grinding of materials.
  2. Motor. It is best to use an electric motor. It works almost silently. A crusher with such an engine is able to grind garbage in small quantities, without harming the environment. After all, the electric motor does not emit harmful substances during operation. The unit can be used not only outdoors, but also indoors. The main drawback is dependence on power.
  3. Studs for fastening torches.
  4. Welding machine.
  5. A hopper and a casing that are made and galvanized metal.
  6. Washers and nuts.
  7. Proftruby made of metal, designed for the manufacture of the body of the unit.
    wood crusher

Wood Crusher

Making blueprints is the first thing to do. Otherwise, you can get confused and incorrectly assemble the unit. Only after this, you can proceed to collect the entire structure.

All saws should be installed on the already preparedaxis. Their dimensions should correspond to the dimensions of the cutters. After installation, the discs must be locked using nuts and washers. In this case, it is necessary to take into account some features of the structure. Between the saws there must be thin washers. They will not allow the discs to hit each other with a point. In this case, the number of washers should be 1 less than the number of saws.

When the axles are fixed and the disks are separated,you must install a pulley. If such a detail is not at hand, then it can be taken from the generator of a domestic car. In order for the stud to rotate normally, it is worthwhile to use several bearings with a diameter of 2 cm.

crusher for wood

Carcass fabrication

Almost ready for the wood crusher. With your own hands, you can make and frame for the unit. For this, we need to use pipes. They should be prepared in advance. To make a frame, the pipes must be welded together. Now we need to strengthen the structure. For this, several profiles are mounted inside the frame. This will strengthen the fastening of the grinding unit and the hopper.

To the finished frame, you should weld a sheet of metal, and then make holes in it, intended for fastening the drum and motor. To make the crusher stand more steadily, it is worth attaching 4 legs.

Now you need to install a disk that provides belt tension. It should be positioned so that the discs move freely. This arrangement will allow you to easily adjust the belt.

So, how does a crusher for a treehands. Making a case and connecting the saws is half the battle. Now you need to put a casing on the disk system. Above the cutting block is to fix the bunker. That's all. The unit is ready.

wood crusher

Things to Consider

Now you know how the crusher is made fortree with their own hands. It is not so easy to make an assembly as it might seem at first glance. There are several nuances that should be considered:

  1. Before drawing the assembly, draw a drawing. This will clarify the individual moments of the assembly of the structure, as well as avoid even minor errors.
  2. To increase the productivity of the crusher, a greater number of saws should be installed. It is allowed to mount up to 25 disks. The thickness of each saw should be 0.1 m.
  3. If the crusher is intended for grinding a harder material than wood, then it is necessary to install a motor unit rather than an electric motor. Its power is much higher.
  4. That you do not constantly turn the discs on yourself, you can install saws with light alloy nozzles.
  5. To ensure that the material is under pressure during the grinding process, a special bar must be fixed opposite the hopper, fixing it to the frame.
    wood crusher

In conclusion

That's what a wood crusher looks like. How to make such an assembly? This is easy if you can draw drawings correctly and work with tools. Of course, in the absence of experience, some difficulties may arise. It should be noted that the crusher, created according to the instructions described above, is ideal for grinding not only fallen leaves and small debris, but also for household waste, and for wood.

Such a construction is considered to be more durable andreliable due to saws installed horizontally. As for the factory models, here the grinding system is fixed vertically. With this arrangement of saws, you must constantly monitor the humidity of debris and stems. Otherwise, the unit will quickly break down. In addition, when making a wood crusher, you can independently choose the engine with the necessary power indicator and the required number of saws.

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