/ / Fibrolite slabs and their application in construction

Fibrolite slabs and their application in construction

Fibrolite plates are biostable,non-combustible, environmentally friendly, multifunctional building material obtained by pressing a mixture consisting of wood shavings, specially cut on a wood-wool machine, portland cement, whose brand must be at least 400, water and chemical additives such as lime, liquid glass, calcium chloride, aluminum sulphate.

fibrolite slabs
Fibrolite slabs are divided into three grades: F-300 is used as a heat-insulating material, F-400 and F-500 are used as structural-heat-insulating and acoustic materials.
fibrolite plate
Having an optimally selected composition, fibrolite plates have many advantages. Among them are the following:

  • The fibrolite slab is ecologically clean, as it consists exclusively of natural materials, there are no hazardous and noxious substances.
    fibrolite boards
    It has a long service life,which is not less than 100 years, which equates this material to steel, reinforced concrete, etc. This allows you to create it on the basis of a structure that will not require major repairs during the entire service life, which will significantly reduce the financial costs.
  • Fibrolite plates have the capacity for activehydro-regulation, since they are very sensitive to changes in air humidity, with a slight fluctuation of this index, the humidity of the plate itself also changes.
  • The specified material is highfire resistance, since wood fibers, which are sealed with a cement "cocoon", have a small thickness: 0.15-0.25 mm. Difficult flammability fibroblit depends on the cement sealing of wood fibers. There are no synthetic components in the material, as a result of which there is no emission of toxic substances and smoke.
  • Having a relatively large mass and cellular structure, fibrolite plates have excellent sound insulation and provide acoustic comfort.
  • There is an active protection against humidity - thisdue to the ability of the material to carry out a rapid moisture withdrawal. This gives the material a high frost resistance, as well as biological resistance (protection from the effects of harmful fungi, bacteria and insects).
  • These plates have an excellent impact resistancedue to the fact that they consist of long wood fibers up to 250 mm in size, which are laid in a horizontal direction and glued together with cement mortar, i.e. this material is long-fiber in structure.
  • The branched and cellular structure of the wooden fibers of this construction material gives it excellent plasticity and toughness, which fully ensures its structural strength.
  • The presence of air pores and a high content of wood gives fibroblocks the opportunity to have high thermal insulation properties.
    fibrolite slabs

In general, fibrolite slabs meet all the conditions that allow the construction of comfortable and safe buildings.

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