/ / Representatives of the Clove family. Family clove: characteristic and description

Representatives of the Clove family. Family clove: characteristic and description

Representatives of the Clove family(Caryophyllaceae) are found literally in all corners of the globe. Growth of such plants, including in the territory of our country. In the forests and steppes of Russia, one can meet forest drema, resinous dioecious, Kukushkin color, etc. Of course, Carnation is a family whose representatives are often grown on country plots. Used in gardens and orchards, they are mainly as ornamental plants.

general characteristics

The main distinguishing features of all the representatives of the Clove family are:

  • paired simple opposite leaves;

  • bisexual flowers with a cup and a halo;

  • dry, in the form of a capsule, fetus-fenestrain;

  • small smooth tuberculate seeds.

Cloves - a family that includes 86 genera and about 2000 species.

 clove family


These plants grow on the continents of the Earthunevenly. Most of them are found in East and Central Asia, as well as in the Mediterranean countries. Various kinds of clove representatives can be found in forests and steppes, deserts and in the tundra. One of the species of this family - stellate creeper - was even found high in the mountains (6000 m).

The structure of the flower

The clove family, or rather, itsrepresentatives, differ in that their corollas have five or four petals. Stamens in each of them are usually 8-10. They are arranged in two circles of 4-5 pieces. The ovary of the flowers is the top with numerous simezachatkami in each nest. In most cases, the flowers of the representatives of the clove family are protandric. That is, the pollen in them pours out before the ripen of the pistils mature.

Nectar in flowers is usually abundant. They are polluted by bees, butterflies, etc. The shape of the flowers of the clove family in most cases are spreading, and therefore are not specialized for pollination by certain specific insects.


All cloves according to F. Paks's system are divided into three main subfamilies:

  • paronychievye;

  • resinous;

  • alcinic.

They can differ in the absence or presence of stipules or in the structure of the flower.

grass of the clove family

Family of Cloves: Importance for the National Economy

Cloves can be used:

  • as ornamental plants;

  • in official and traditional medicine;

  • as a substitute for soap;

  • as food for livestock.

Cloves - a family that includesincluding weed plants, which we have to deal with when cultivating various kinds of agricultural and ornamental crops. There are also poisonous varieties of Caryophyllaceae in the wild.

Family clove: representatives of decorative value

Many species of the family Caryophyllaceae in the gardens andvegetable gardens have been growing for quite some time. The most popular decorative cloves include, for example, representatives of the genera Mylnyanka and Smolevka. Very often in suburban areas you can also see beautiful gerbils and mines.

Saponaria: general description

The main distinguishing featurerepresentatives of this kind are unpretentious and rather high decorative qualities. Most of the soaps, as these plants are compact, are grown on alpine hills. The genus Saponaria counts more than 30 different species.

herbaceous plant of the clove family

Soapyard drug so far it was possiblesee almost all gardens and gardens. Today this plant of the clove family has lost some of its popularity. It's all about his increased ability to root. This decorative (and medicinal) culture grows almost instantly, and consequently, very quickly turns into a weed.

The most popular representative of this genus onToday is another soap dish - basiloculum. In the wild, this plant grows mainly in the mountains of Western Europe. Shoots basilica lepidoptera forms lodging, and the color of flowers has a bright pink. It is very easy to take care of this plant, as well as for all representatives of the genus. However, in order to preserve compactness, the basil leaves should be cut off at a third of the height after a second flowering (at the end of summer).

Very often in Russian gardens and gardensdacha owners can also see the soapy sod. The birthplace of this species is the Pyrenees. Flowers in this compact (5-6 cm) plants have a very beautiful pink color.

All the above-mentioned soap bubbles can growin one place for many years. Some plants do not require special soil preparation. However, the place under them should be chosen sunny, sublime. It is also very good to arrange drainage on the flowerbed.

Silene: distinctive features

This is also quite popular with the ownersdacha sections of the clove genus, numbering more than 400 species. Used tarings mainly in small flower gardens and on rock slides. The most common representative of this genus is seaside moulting. This rather low plant (up to 25 cm) forms on the flowerbed or hill a very interesting and beautiful gray-blue "pillow". Blossoms smolevka seaside almost all summer. Varieties and forms of it have been derived to date. For your garden you can choose a variety with white flowers or pink.

Smolevka alpine - also quite the samea popular representative of the genus - forms loose cushions up to 20 cm high. Especially beautiful is its shape with double lush flowers. Also, sometimes gardeners grow on their countryside plasterless, Argosian and Kantzian form.

Description of carnations Lichnis (Lychnis)

This common genus also differsrather high decorative qualities. It includes 35 species, but the most popular of its representatives are Licnice Arkite and Crowned. The first forms a compact bush height of 35-40 cm and pleases the gardeners with spectacular orange-red flowers, whose diameter can reach 3 cm.

Lichnis crown is a herbaceous plantfamily clove, able to grow even on low-fertile soils. In height, it can reach 45-90 cm. The color of flowers of this representative of the genus Lichnis is white or pink.

Gerbils (Arenaria) and Minuartia (Minuartia)

Representatives of these genera are very similar to each other. To the point that they are often even confused with each other. The most popular sandstone is the mountain. This plant can reach 10 cm in height and grow to 50 cm in width. Flowers at the gerbil mountain white, large.

clove family

The most commonjuniperelliform. This spectacular plant reaches a height of only 15 cm and looks great both in solitary plantings and in combination with other ornamental crops, for example, alpine or fern cloves. Inflorescences of the myartium are juniperolumate, and leaflets are acuminate.

Medicinal varieties

Clove - a family, many representatives of which can use, including in folk and official medicine. First of all, these are such plants as:

  • Fossil.

  • Gryzhnik is smooth.

  • Representatives of the genus Kachim.

Used for curing of all kindsdiseases these plants can due to the high content of physiologically active substances in their tissues: alkaloids, flavonoids, vitamins, saponins, essential oils and organic acids.

Acaculum (Acanthophyllum): Description

The Clove family differsadaptability to the most diverse natural conditions. Rusty its representatives can also in the foothills. It is on the high places you can find medicinal fossil. A distinctive feature of this plant is the absence of the stem. The leaves of Acanthophyllum are notchy, prickly on both sides, assembled into a rosette (40-50 cm in diameter). In the middle of the latter there is an inflorescence-basket, on the bottom of which tubular flowers are attached.

For medicinal purposes,Only the fleshy roots of the fossil. They, among other things, contain essential oils, tannins, insulin, resinous substances. A freshener tincture can be used to cure helminthiosis (to animals), to get rid of chiriev, as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Gryzhnik smooth: what kind of plant?

This ground cover perennial is also included in thefamily cloves. You can see the photo below. Its smooth creeping stems are entirely covered with small oval leaves, in the sinuses of which small tiny yellow flowers are collected by tangles. In the wild, the hernia smooth grows mainly on pastures, stony wastelands and along roads.

Useful infusions and decoctions of this plain grass can be with coughing, jaundice, diseases of the bladder and kidneys. Also they can be used for baths with badly tightened wounds.

clove family

Rod Kachim

Another name for this kind is gypsophila. These are very common plants of the clove family. At the moment about 150 species of this genus are known. But of course, not all of them are medicinal. Most often, with the goal of curing various kinds of diseases, we use a panicle. It represents a perennial herbaceous plant with a long rhizome and a branchy spherical stem. In the wild, we swing the panicle grows in Western Siberia, Central Asia and in the European part of Russia. Its green parts can be used as an antimicrobial, analgesic, laxative or emetic. Also, the infusion of this herb is often used for pain in the liver.


Add complexity in the cultivation of various kindsagricultural and vegetable crops can be many representatives of the clove family. But the most malignant weed is stellate medium, or mocrica. The life cycle of this plant is only 40 days. And therefore for a season it can give up to 3 generations. The lower part of the stems of the bug, as well as its autumn shoots, easily overwinter and spring early in the spring immediately after melting snow. Seed after the blossoming, each plant can give up to 25 thousand. At the same time, they retain their germination capacity up to 8 years.

Poisonous cloves

The most famous plant belonging to thisgroup, is an ordinary doll. This rather common weed has a long stem root. The stem is quite high (up to 1 m), knobby, slightly branching. The leaves of the puppet are narrow and sharp, and the flowers are solitary violet-red. The green mass of this plant does not pose any danger to human and animal health. Only the seeds of the puppet are poisonous.

characteristic of the clove family [

Fodder grass

In pasture meadows and in the steppes grow the mostdifferent representatives of clove. Almost all of them can be eaten by cattle. However, the most valuable as fodder plants are still the clove grass and marshmaller water. The first is a perennial herbaceous plant with a height of up to 45 cm with opposite long leaves. The stems of this species can be of two kinds. Non-flowers are thickly covered. At the same time, they are too long to grow. Flower-bearing are very high and in the upper part they are branched in the form of a fork. Propagated carnation with herbs seeds. Usually it grows on stony wastelands, in grassy thickets, in meadows and fields.

Water softener - valuable foragefamily clove - is a perennial, the height of which can be 20-70 cm. Its stems in the upper part are pubescent, and in the lower - naked. The leaves of the softberry are ovoid, and the inflorescences are a half-zonot. In natural conditions, this plant is found in the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Far East, Siberia.

flowers of the clove family

The above characteristic of the clove familyallows us to judge them as very useful for the national economy. Of course, this group includes, among other things, weeds, and even poisonous plants. However, many carnations are valuable as decorative plants that can become a real decoration of yards, gardens and city streets, both as medicinal and as forage.

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