/ / How to deal with moles

How to deal with moles

All owners of suburban areas are well knowna small insectivorous animal called a mole. It lives underground and prefers fertile, loose soils. That is why one of the places that attract these animals are your kitchen gardens.

The ways of truck farmers and truckers constantlyintersect with these small, but resourceful animals. Cultivate the earth alone, and irreparable damage is done by others. The mole not only carries away bulbous and root crops in its underground burrow, but also spoils the lawn plantations, roots of bushes and harms other plantings. In the wild, the mole is a useful animal, but in the suburban areas it is a real misfortune, from which it is almost impossible to get rid of.

As soon as the first tubercle appears on the well-groomedWe begin feverishly to think: how it fights with moles. There are quite a lot of ways to combat these cute animals. But to say that one of them helped once and for all, is very difficult, because this is not yet known. Have to be patient and each time to come up with something new to solve the issue, as struggling with moles.

Many summer residents reserve for these purposesused metal cans from under the beer, or they make a propeller from plastic containers. These methods of combating moles are as follows. A wooden stick or an iron pin is stuck into the ground, these simple devices in the form of cut bottles and jars are worn on it. Under the influence of the wind, they emit certain sounds, which, as many believe, scare off moles too sensitive to noise. There are isolated cases when moles left the chosen place.

There are other similar methods of combating moles. On windy areas, hollow reeds are dug vertically into the ground at a fairly decent depth, leaving a small part of the branch on the surface. It is necessary to bypass all mink. The sound of howling winds in the corridors of a wormhole should make him leave his place of violence.

How to deal with moles, working on theirsmell with various unpleasant smells? A small digger does not tolerate sharp odors. Therefore, rags are stuffed into his burrows, impregnated with various vile and sharply smelling liquids. It can be kerosene, standing urine, ammonia. Choose what you have. Can come and naphthalene.

Many people come up with ways to deal with moles moremore disgusting methods. This procedure involves the use of rotten eggs and fish. It is believed that the best suited is rancid herring. All this is pushed into the hole by the animal, in the hope that he will leave. More often than not, in these cases moles clog the passages in which the "stinkers" are located, and dig new holes in order to ventilate their living space.

There is another way to deal withmoles themselves. Pour calcium carbide directly into the hole, then pour it with water. When they interact as a result of a chemical reaction, sulfuric smoke will be released. Such an animal will not be able to withstand, but remember that this may affect the tender shoots of your plants. It is not a fact that the generation that has left is not replaced by another generation. Use these sulfur balls should only be on land free from planting.

The most effective method, how to deal with moles,is that you are waiting for him at the hole with a shovel. This can take a long time, but the result will be guaranteed. You can call specialists who will conduct the chemical treatment of the site. But you are unlikely to want to use it in the near future.

All methods of fighting this animal are inhumane, butThere is no way out, if he has settled on your site, and peaceful neighborhood can not be adjusted. You have to take measures to save the crop, even if it seems to you that it is a bit cruel.

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