/ / What could be the interior of the living room with a fireplace in the middle of the room?

What could be the interior of the living room with a fireplace in the middle of the room?

The living room is the main room in any house. It is in it that they gather with friends who come to visit, also there are arranged family dinners and gatherings. Therefore, it is important that this room is decorated most comfortably and beautifully. In this article, we'll look at how to quickly and simply create a living room interior with a fireplace in the middle of the room so that the atmosphere is filled with comfort and warmth.

interior of the living room with a fireplace in the middle of the room

Features of fireplaces

A living fire is, lately, a deliciouspiece for designers. It is the fireplaces, all kinds of stoves and other fires that are often used as decorative details. It is believed that with their help you can easily transform the apartment, make it richer and more refined without the use of antiques and other expensive items. The very interior of the living room with a fireplace in the middle of the room is already a kind of substance. You can only furnish everything with furniture and decor elements in a certain style. Of course, this style should match the main focus in the room.

modern living room interior with fireplace

On the way to the North

So, the fireplace can be decorated in "hunting"style. This is indicated by a portal made of brick, on which there is neither plaster, nor paint. Often in such rooms locate the head of wild animals. Sofas and armchairs should be extremely simple, upholstered in dark or pastel textiles. It will be great if the floor in the room is made of uncoated varnished boards.


Modern interior of the living room with fireplace is createdin the open plan. Often in apartment studios, one can find foci of decorative fire with the parameters XL, which really makes them centered in the room. Typically, a similar interior is performed in light cold colors, furniture is used leather, in style resembling an office one. Something like this apartment reminds us of a spaceship from films about the future, but a note of warmth in it brings a living fire.

 interior of living room with fireplace photo

Style Mixes

Unique interior of the living room with a fireplace in the middleThe room is obtained with a combination of minimalism and loft styles. It is important that there is no clear symmetry or order in the room. Design a fireplace that is not its base to touch the floor, it should only be attached to the wall. The portal can also be displaced from the center, and the chimney can be located on the other side. Do not forget to complete such a room with a simple sofas, a curbstone and a large number of lamps.

The most non-standard solutions

Many people think that the fireplace is definitely"Cabinet", which has a rectangular shape and is built into the wall. Let's try to destroy this stereotype by several original design examples. The eastern interior of the living room with a fireplace in the middle of the room will turn out, if this hearth of fire you perform in the form of a tent. Rounded, with a conical top, a bit uneven, as if swaying from the breeze of the wind, it will become a token of any apartment.

Another design hobby - pendant fireplaces,made of metal. They can be placed in any part of the room, surrounded by armchairs and sofas, and assembled there by the whole family. Most often, these pockets are referred to as hi-tech, because they are too unusual.


That's so simple and quickly creates a living room interior with a fireplace. A photo of some variants is presented in the article, and you can borrow some of them from yourself.

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