/ / Why use a casing pipe?

Why do we need a casing pipe?

At the moment, the industry producesseveral types of pipes. First of all, two of them should be singled out: a core and a casing one. Casing pipe is used to strengthen gas and oil wells during their drilling and development.

Casing pipe

Casing pipes for the well can consist of completely different materials: cast iron, steel, plastic, asbestos cement, etc.

It is quite logical that in recent times the greatestthe distribution was plastic, because casing pipes for wells made of this material have a rather long service life.

It is worth noting and high technical characteristics of plastic.

Naturally, the mind immediately comes resistant tocorrosion, which can not have metal. If water flows through metal pipes, this will have the most negative impact on its quality. When using pipes made of steel, water often has an unpleasant metallic taste.

Casing for wells

In addition, a casing pipe made of plasticperfectly sinks in the water and is sufficiently resistant to dirt and to the draft of the stone. It is also able to withstand sufficiently large loads (up to 5 tons), is distinguished by its durability and strength. It is necessary to separately note the high-quality inner surface of the pipe, which makes it possible to reduce its resistance to flow. In addition to all its advantages, it has the ability to easily install pipelines of smaller diameters.

It is worth considering the fact that the casing pipemust be manufactured in accordance with all established norms. In this case, even minor deviations are unacceptable. Despite the difference and ovality, the pipe parameters should in no case go beyond the established parameters of the diameter and wall thickness. The same goes for her non-straightness. One meter of pipe is allowed maximum non-rectilinearness of one millimeter. In addition, only if it is a question of pipes of large diameter (over 89 millimeters), manufactured with ordinary accuracy.

Casing pipes for wells

In the manufacture of pipes with increased accuracy, evenso small differences in parameters are unacceptable (a maximum of 0.5 millimeters per meter). If we talk about pipes of small diameter (33.5-89 mm), in the first case deviations of 0.7 mm are permissible, in the second case 0.3 mm.

Such a pipe is lowered into the well in order toprevention of shedding loose soil. In any situation, the casing pipe should be as close as possible to the walls of the well itself. Therefore, such a variety of options for the diameter of the finished product.

As a rule, between the casing and the wallWells are poured concrete. This is necessary for a more rigid fixation. And then in a course there are pipes of smaller diameter. They are needed for further drilling or direct use of the well. It should be noted once again that the pipes should always have a certain diameter and the same size. Otherwise, the drilling process can become much more complicated, which is highly undesirable.

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