How the doorway is manufactured
When carrying out repair or construction worksquite often there are situations in which you have to make holes in an already finished wall. This is done in cases where it is necessary to conduct additional communications
For this kind of work, you should useIt is a very special tool that differs not only in its power and material of making cutting elements, but at times even with the principle of action. This is due to the fact that the design of a doorway in a brick wall or in concrete is a fairly large-scale process, often having to deal with various solid inclusions, and in the case of panels, also with fittings. For this reason, it is not only difficult, but also economically disadvantageous, to produce such work with conventional milling cutters and saws.
It should be noted that a professional tool for making a doorway
However, if you have to do this kind of workon your own, then you should first make an accurate measurement. Then draw directly on the wall the shape of the future door with a small margin for additional refinement. Better then a little more to remove a part of the wall, than to close up too much clearance. Then it is necessary to drill a few holes in the wall to loosen it and prepare it to form a doorway.
After the formation of the doorway followsprepare it for the installation of doors. To do this, all the end parts should be leveled by plumb and plastered. Then the walls are shpaklyuyut using a perforated corner so that between the inside and the door frame there is a small space of about two centimeters on each side. It is also recommended to immediately process not only the walls, but also the joints of the opening with a primer to give it strength and improve adhesion.
After completing all the above processes, the doorway is considered ready. In it, you can immediately install various designs or attach the necessary material.