Add to your life colors, plant a flower "begonia marmorata"
Begonia is a genus of herbaceous and perennialplants with beautiful, bright colors. They are in the form of shrubs, creeping lianas or half-shrubs. A wide selection of different colors allows this plant to be an excellent garden and home decoration.
For a winter garden or an apartment a variety is plantedthe name of begonia Marmorata. This plant has large double flowers. Begonia Marmorata differs from other varieties in bright colors of white colors, which are covered with small red strokes. Each petal of the flower is edged with a red border, which gives such a coloring a finished look. Perfectly in joint plantings with her, the begonia of Fimbriata, whose flowers are carnation-shaped, looks. Often this variety is called terry begonia.
Any plant of the genus begonia hasasymmetric leaves, flowers of different shades and several species. The varieties of variegated and flowering begonia in the cold season are used for growing a house. Picking begonias for decorating and decorating the site, mainly use only three types: tuberous, Viennese, evergreen and ampel begonia pendula. The growing conditions are the same for any species.
Making choice in favor of the variety, begonia Marmorata,you can refine your site. With its help you can make color accents on the flower beds or outline the edge of the path. Begonias perfectly tolerate the shadow. Therefore, it can be planted in any corner of the garden. But if you want to enjoy abundant flowering, then place it on a sunny spot.
It should be attentive to the change of weather. This beautiful flower can not tolerate even small frosts. Before planting, it will be necessary to arrange a good drainage of the flowerbed, because stagnant water can ruin a plant. Begonia is very fond of acidic and rich soil mixtures. Ampel varieties will look great in hanging pots or baskets. Begonia Marmorata will perfectly acclimatize on a rocky hill, in the workboys, in containers and just in the flowerbed.
Having planted this beautiful plant, you should knowfeatures of care for it. This will make it possible not only to increase the number of colors, but also to increase the duration of flowering. To do this, you only need to reduce the watering of the bush, starting from the moment of flowering. The plant requires several mineral and organic top dressing during the summer.
The begonia planted on the site must be dug outbefore frost and transplant into a pot for further growth of the house or remove it to a dry, dark and cool place until germination, which should begin in February. Having grown a few months in a small bush, you can make planting on the site. But you do not need to do this before the end of May or even the beginning of June. It is during this period that warm weather is already established.
Having one begonias bush, you want to multiplyits as much as possible. This can be done by dividing tubers, propagating by cuttings and planting seeds. Having planted begonia with seeds, consider that they are very small and mix them better with sand. It is enough to sprinkle them on top of the ground and cover the container with film or glass. We plant seedlings on a garden plot not earlier than the beginning of June.
Having chosen the method of reproduction with the help of cuttings,it is necessary to germinate the tuber already in January and break some grown up ones by powdering these places with crushed activated charcoal. The easiest way to reproduce begonia is tuber. Already in January we begin to germinate the tubers. We cut each tuber into several parts so that on each part there are several eyes. After that, dust the slices with ash and plant it in the usual way. This procedure should be carried out in the spring.
Begonia is prone to infection with many diseases and pest damage. Therefore, it is necessary to look after it carefully.