/ / Garden watering can: basic rules for buying garden tools

Garden watering can: basic rules for buying garden tools

Garden watering can -

garden watering can
this is the usual garden equipment that isof each gardener. As a rule, this device is completely ignored by this device, but only until it is time to replace it. And here there is a problem: the new garden watering can almost always turns out to be worse than the old one. Let's try to determine why this happens. And learn how to choose the right inventory.

Force of habit

A man gets used to his garden tool andadapts to it. If you remember, the same thing happens with new shovels, pitchforks, rakes: at first the inventory seems terribly inconvenient, but after a while it passes. Naturally, if the design does not have obvious flaws that prevent normal operation. A garden watering can is no exception, and with time you can get used to a new acquisition. To those horticulturists, whose accustoming process is particularly painful, it is recommended to purchase a container of the same shape and size as the old one.

watering can garden zinced

Plastic or metal

Before you stop on one or the othermodel, you need to decide on the material. So, the watering can is metallic (garden) or plastic - which is better? And the one, and the other has its pros and cons, so we'll dwell in more detail on each.

A metal watering can is a garden watering canZinc-plated, or watering can made of ordinary sheet iron. They are easy to distinguish in appearance: the galvanized container pleases with a natural metallic sheen, the sheet iron ironing is always painted in order to protect against corrosion. However, it is not necessary to rely especially on the protective zinc coating or on the paint layer - the metal garden watering can sooner or later rust and flow. Welds are most often damaged - these are the most vulnerable places. Nevertheless, a metal watering can be repaired, but a plastic container is better to replace immediately with a new one. Another disadvantage of watering is metal - a lot of weight.

watering can of metal garden

Plastic garden watering can on the background of metallooks more preferable, however, only at first glance. Here, too, have their own pitfalls: some plastic containers can easily deform under the weight of water, from the temperature drop and other factors. The fact is that plastic is different. Watering cans, like many other household appliances - buckets, baths, containers - are made of polypropylene or polyethylene. Polypropylene is highly prone to negative environmental factors, it can deform even from sunlight, so it is not worth buying a container from such material. You can find a product from polypropylene by marking "PP". High-density polyethylene is a more reliable and durable material, it can be recognized by marking "HDPE".


The garden watering can should be selected individually,for each person. A healthy man will easily carry 10-12-liter capacity, a woman or teenager is better to take a smaller watering pad - 6-8 liters. The diameter of the spout at the diffuser should not exceed 2.5 cm, otherwise the head will be too strong. It is worth paying attention to the diffuser itself - it should be removable, with trapezoidal frequent holes.

The last tip. Experienced gardener is never limited to a single watering can, he always has a few - for all occasions. Therefore, buy yourself a few leks of different volumes and with different water supply systems, or buy one, but with different attachments.

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