/ / Veigela blooming - a hedge with your own hands

Veigela blooming - a hedge with your own hands

Veigela blooming is a luxurious shrub,which not only becomes an ornament of the territory adjoining the house, but also will act as a fine hedge that will perfectly replace the fence and give a special aesthetic appearance to the site.

The genus represents 15 species of plants thatgrow in the south of the Far East and in Asia. Deciduous beautifully flowering shrubs tend to re-form petals. Buds large single or collected in inflorescences, reach 5 cm in length and have funnel-shaped, tubular, bell-shaped corolla.

Veigela - unpretentious sun-loving plant,which reaches a height of 1.5 to 3 meters with a flowering period of May-July. The bush well develops in the sun, but penumbra will not become a barrier to growth, however, in this case the plant blooms worse. For planting is suitable for almost any water-permeable soil, including lime. If the adult plants tolerate the drought well, irrigation will be required for the young.

When buying, you should choose containerplants that can be planted in the ground from the beginning of April and continue until the end of September. Do not buy seedlings that have bare roots. They will not have time to settle down in regions with cold climatic conditions before the onset of winter. In areas with harsh conditions, it is not recommended to start early-flowering varieties, and at first after planting it is necessary to mulch the near-trunk circle near the seedlings with a large layer of flying leaves.

Adult vyegla blooming needs enlightening pruning. When the flowering is over, it is necessary to cut old shoots at the base of the bush. Extensive pruning provokes the active appearance of color buds.

Cuttings are produced in late spring, cutting off the tops and rooting them in the nursery.

With a lack of moisture, the plant can be affectedaphids. Harmful insects begin to suck out plant juices from young shoots and leaves. To prevent the appearance of pests, it is necessary to water the bush in droughty weather, and wash off insects with a powerful stream of water or sprinkle with a solution of alcohol with liquid soap.

Not every shrub will be able to argue with Vegeleycolorful flowering. In June, plant shoots are densely strewn with pink, purple-red or white flowers. In garden conditions, the most popular vaigel is a flowering one, which has a large number of pale pink buds at the end of May on the shoots. Under ordinary conditions the wiggle reaches a height of 3 meters.

There are many subspecies of the plant. The most widespread are dwarf varieties of Weygel variegata and purpuria, which do not exceed 1.5 meters. Both plants have pink flowers on a background of brownish-red foliage in purpurea or greenish with a yellow-white border in the variegate. After the flowers wither, the leaves become a real ornament of the bushes.

Mixed hybrid grades slightly below normalspecies and reach 2.5 meters in height. However, the Weigel hybrid differs in its color and color saturation. Very popular are tall plants with buds of ruby ​​red, dark and light pink, white.

The unpretentious enduring vaigel blossoming is used to erect hedges. Often the plant is combined with other simultaneously flowering shrubs.

To obtain a beautiful hedge, you candark red wiggly plant next to the bell pink, white scale, or rough action. In the background, it is appropriate to place a white lilac or yellow bean. On the dark green background, the wagelas will be beautifully allocated pink or white flowers of the turf.

On the flower beds, dwarf varieties will go well with herbaceous plants.

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