/ How to remove fleas from the apartment. Good advice

How to remove fleas from the apartment. Good advice

Each of us, these petty and annoying creatures cause an incredible sense of disgust. Today we will learn how to remove fleas from the apartment.

What kind of danger do they represent?

The bites of these parasites cause not only allergies. They can easily become a prerequisite for infection by these or other dangerous diseases. In this article, we will give you some tips on how to remove fleas from the apartment. Know that the way to eliminate these parasites directly depends on the cause of their occurrence in your apartment.

How to remove fleas from an apartment

  1. If you live on the ground floor, then, more likelyIn all, the source of the parasites is the basement of the house. In this case, you need to inspect your home for gaps. Note, if you do not, fleas will attack your apartment with an enviable regularity. In principle, in this case, you do not have to worry about how to treat an apartment from fleas. All that is required of you is to write an application to your management company so that its employees organize the sanitary treatment of the cellar in the house. However, do not forget to clean the apartment.
  2. A common reason for the appearance of fleas inapartment are our pets. Especially the risk increases when your pet spends a lot of time on the street. How to remove fleas from the apartment in this case? It is necessary to find out what means of fighting these parasites cope with their duties best. To do this, consult with veterinarians or with sellers from pet stores. They can advise such drugs as Neoectomin, Butoks, Ectomin, and others.
    how to remove fleas from an apartment
  3. In the event that the source of the appearance of fleas in the apartment- this is your pets, then taking fleas from them is only half the battle. This time you will need to treat the parasites and your home. Here, special means will help to solve the problem of how to destroy fleas in an apartment. For example, you can treat carpets and upholstered furniture with "Bolfo" aerosol. Know that these parasites can jump to a height of up to 1.5 meters.
  4. Pay special attention to processing your home from flea eggs. To do this, use a vacuum cleaner.
    how to destroy fleas in an apartment
  5. Fight the fleas painstakingly and conscientiously! Process in boiling water soft toys, slippers, underwear, as well as all other items on which parasites can be found. Pillows must be thoroughly knocked out and dried in the sun - fleas can not tolerate heat.
  6. This article would be incomplete if we did notmentioned alternative methods of solving this problem - people's problems. The most effective traditional remedy for fleas is, of course, wormwood. It can be expanded around the apartment, especially at the doorstep. Make a tincture of wormwood, and then add it to a bucket of water. Wash the floors thoroughly in the apartment, wipe all the skirting boards.
    than to process an apartment from fleas

What to do if nothing helps

If the above suggestions do not help you oryou simply do not have the desire to engage in painstaking struggle with fleas, entrust this matter to professional disinsectors. Specialists from the relevant service qualitatively and with a guarantee will save you from obsessive parasites.

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