/ / Which elements of the staircase help to create an interior in the house

What elements of the staircase help to create an interior in the house

A staircase in a private house is always an elementInterior, which helps to connect the two floors, giving the rooms their own unique design. Elements of the ladder are often made of different materials. The tree here stands in the forefront. If you need an inexpensive option, then the pine will do. For an elite home more often use oak. You can order a ladder from other valuable wood species, but the hardness of wood, and not just its beauty, is more important here. Otherwise, the staircase will quickly lose its attractive appearance and it will have to be changed.

staircase elements
But a tree that is used for stairs orbaluster staircase - this is not the only possible option. If the lift to another floor is made to the side, then steps of concrete can be used. In this case, they are often located between two walls, so they are cheaper. Glass also found its use for screw or marching beauties. The steps made of glass are very favorably shaded by metal inserts. Often use the combined options. For example, wooden steps for stairs come complete with metal handrails. You can fantasize both with the configuration of the ladder, and with materials for the design.

It is desirable that each step should havepodstupennik. This adds extra rigidity, but it is allowed to make a ladder without them. Baluster is the most beautiful element of all the components of the staircase. Usually it is done in a curly form, so it is easier to perform it from a tree. You can order railings for stairs from stainless steel. It turns out a beautiful shiny design. For steps, metal or glass is suitable, but more often they are made of wood.

wooden steps for stairs
Considering the parts of the staircase, one can not help but mentionabout such important parts as the string and kosoury. It is on them that the steps are attached, and the whole ladder is held. Material for them can serve as a tree or metal. Distinguish these two elements in that the Kosovar step lies on top, and the bowstring fixes them on the side, closing the side of the stairs.

For marching stairs, sometimes you need a platform orstepped steps. It is these elements of the ladder that allow you to deploy the span to the required angle. If there are not so many places, then it is more often that the runways are used. They are not very convenient for descending, because they have different lengths of sides, but they allow to fit the structure in a small space.

railings for stairs from stainless steel
A great role for the ladder, especially screw,play poles. Often steps are attached to one side by one side. Therefore, these elements of the ladder are best performed from solid wood or metal. The pillars are decorated with a carved wooden staircase. According to the configuration, they are similar to balusters, but they are larger.

Creating the project of your future beauty, youYou can include all the elements of the ladder in it. But sometimes it is enough to choose the main one, and not to use the secondary. The main thing is that the quality does not suffer. After all, saving can lead to different situations. If you decide to order the project from professionals, you will get a qualified calculation that will take into account the peculiarities of your house.

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