/ / Acrylic liner in the bathroom: reviews and useful tips

Acrylic liner in the bathroom: reviews and useful tips

This way of restoring the bath, like installationacrylic liner, has been used in Europe for a long time, now it is gaining popularity among us. Specialists especially recommend this method in the case when there is no way to do a full repair. There is another option - to restore the enamel coating, but it is much more expensive and more difficult than installing an acrylic liner in the bathroom. Reviews on this subject are quite contradictory. We will try to consider the pros and cons of the technology.

acrylic liner in the bathroom reviews
The most obvious advantage is an impeccable externalA kind that guarantees the acrylic liner in the bathroom. Installation of the construction is carried out within a few hours, and already a day later the bathroom can be used. No other type of repair will allow to luxuriate in warm water the next day. Especially it will be appreciated by families with young children. In addition, the bathroom repair will not suffer. Acrylic liner is very easy to clean. For strong soiling, it is sufficient to use, for example, a dish washing agent, after which the surface will again shine with purity. Before installation it is not necessary to dismantle and take out the old bath - it will serve as a frame. The water will remain warm even longer, and the acrylic surface itself is warmer to the touch than the cast iron or steel, which also can not but rejoice. Specialists note that the noise from the filling of the bathtub with water in comparison with the cast iron or steel completely disappears.

acrylic liner in the bathroom installation
Now let's try to consider the problem withwhat problems can be faced by installing an acrylic liner in the bathroom. Reviews agree that the main trouble is always associated with a poor-quality installation. If the master does not do his job well, air bubbles may appear under the liner, and eventually he may begin to loosen up. If the connection with the walls is not tight, acrylic can get water, which threatens the appearance of mold and an unpleasant odor. Sometimes people who installed an acrylic liner in the bathroom, the reviews leave negative about the material itself. Although the manufacturers claim that it can not be scratched, it is quite easy to do, and with improper care, darkish spots can appear at all. In addition, the acrylic liner easily cracks and can split off if a heavy or sharp object is dropped on the surface. Therefore, the basins with linens in the bathtub should be placed with great care, best of all on a rubber mat. In addition, the internal volume of the bath with the insert is slightly reduced.

acrylic liner in the bathroom price
If the above disadvantages do not frighten you and suit the price established on the market for an acrylic liner in the bathroom, think about the installation process.

The importance of quality editing has already been mentioned. Do not try to save too much. A cheap liner with a poor-quality installation is not at all what you dreamed of. It is important to properly remove the dimensions from the bath. If you are afraid to make a mistake, it's better to invite a specialist. The inserts are of a clear size, if the required depth and width are not defined correctly, it will not be possible to install it. The liner is installed with a special mounting compound, rather than a conventional foam.

So, to install or not acrylic liner in the bathroom? Feedback you will find both positive and negative, but only you decide whether to carry out such a restoration.

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