/ / How to make a compressor with your own hands

How to make a compressor with your own hands

Different human activities require for theirimplementation of various devices. For quite a long time, compressors are widely used in industry and at home, which are devices whose main function is compression and delivery of various gases under pressure. Gases, injected can be different. The most common and familiar to everyone is air (apparatus for painting various surfaces), refrigerant vapors (used in every household refrigerator). Let's talk about air compressors - the most common helpers of many masters who work in different industries. Take at least the sphere of car service. What can be more convenient than to inflate the wheels with a compressor or evenly paint the parts of the car evenly, applying for the supply of paint under pressure all the same indispensable assistant ... Indeed, many applications can be found for the compressor.

Industry offers many similardevices of various types, for the use of which it is enough to read in the operating instructions how to connect the compressor and understand how the compressor works - and that's all, you can start the tasks for which the device was purchased. Perhaps, the only drawback of compressors offered on the market is their rather high price. Sometimes the cost of the device is too high and will never pay off, in view of the fact that the compressor will not be used as often and not as intensively as the manufacturer suggested during its design. In this case, you can make a compressor yourself - in fact it is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance, and the cost of manufacturing, in virtually all cases, are zero, because all the necessary for the manufacture of a compressor can be found in each garage. Below, one of the simplest ways of making a compressor with your own hands will be presented.

This method is useful to car owners,many of whom know how important it is to have a compressor for painting the machine. But few know that it is very simple to make a compressor by one's own hands. The device of any compressor consists of an engine, the main purpose of which is to inject air into the tank and the container itself with the valve. Air in the tank is under pressure, and its excess goes down through the valve.

Why is this necessary? Perhaps, everyone knows that when painting a very important point is the factor of uniform application of a layer of paint on the surface, and this requires maintaining a constant pressure in the spray sprayer. It is to maintain the pressure and come in handy compressor with their own hands made of an old car tire with a camera and a pump.

To make a compressor with your own hands in the camerayou need to cut a hole in which will paste the pump's nipple. There is one nipple with a nipple, the purpose of which is to inject air into the chamber. In addition, there is one output nipple, already without a nipple, to connect the spray hose.

Pressure regulation is performed by the methodpractical application of a self-made supercharger together with a paint sprayer by spraying the paint on the wall. When the desired pressure level is found, simply disconnect the pump hose so that the pressure level does not change when the sprayer is pressed. This makes the manufacturing of the homemade compressor complete. It should only be taken into account that the camera will jump on the floor, so it must be prudently tied.

We hope that the above-described method of manufacturing an assistant for painting will help many car enthusiasts who do not want to overpay for the tool they need.

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