/ / Thermal insulation of the bath: principles, materials, stages of work

Thermal insulation of the bath: principles, materials, stages of work

Recently, again becomes relevantbuilding and warming the baths on its own plot. If previously used for widespread heat and cheap (sometimes free) moss, flax and felt, today these materials are replaced by modern synthetic: foam, aluminum foil, mineral wool and others. The main requirements for materials - a high degree of steam and heat insulation, chemical and physical stability, durability.

Warming of the bath is necessary for its fulluse. Without thermal insulation, it takes a long time to warm up and quickly cools down, and a lot of energy is left to maintain the necessary temperature in the room. A steam room with high-quality insulation does not require excessive resources: it heats quickly and for a long time keeps the heat at the desired level.

Having started the warming of the bath, it is by no means impossibleignore the issue of vapor barrier. For its device, aluminum foil, laid over foam or mineral wool, is suitable. It insulates the room very slightly, but it helps to preserve the materials that make up the structure for a long time. To kill two birds with one stone, you can use insulating material ISOVER Sauna with a thickness of 50 mm, which not only protects the beams from moisture, but also halves heat loss.

What to insulate?

Thermal insulation of the bath is a complex process. To determine where to put maximum effort, you need to understand what is the strongest conductor of heat. On the one hand, the heat rises to the ceiling, so it is necessary to make it impenetrable, and on the other - much depends on the materials from which the structure is made. Even the walls of a bar of exactly the same thickness can differ greatly in the degree of heat loss, if one is external, and the second is adjacent to the waiting room. Due to the fact that the temperature difference is greater between the steam room and the street, it is the outer wall that will be the "weak link" that needs to be strengthened.

Stages of work

The walls of the baths are warmed in several stages: first lay out the crate, on which the heat-insulating material is fixed. If it is a foil layer, then all joints between layers are carefully glued with aluminum tape. Further reinforce the preloading bars in the thickness of 20-25 mm, providing an air gap between the heater and interior trim. The last stage is the installation of lining or panels.

Work on the ceiling occurs similarly, and at the floorhave their own characteristics. First of all, it is important that the cold does not penetrate through the cracks in the foundation, so there should not be any holes in it. Under the floor covering you can lay any inert heat insulator.

One of the most dangerous sites in terms of heat loss are the windows. Usually, there are not many of them in the bath, but it is better to use plastic heme-proof double-glazed windows instead of usual frames.

How to insulate a bath by all means

  1. Set the place to be insulated first.
  2. Choose the right material. Ruberoid, tar and pergamine for our purposes are not suitable: when heated, they release harmful substances and produce an unpleasant odor. The use of foam plastic, glass wool, expanded polystyrene, URSA mats, jute with the addition of flax fiber, red building moss or penotherm will be rational. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of a material is usually indicated on its label. Accordingly, the lower it is, the smaller the layer will be required to achieve the desired result.
  3. Leave an air gap in front of the finish trim.

Adhering to this algorithm, go through all the weak points, and then you can proudly boast of the heat that reigns in your steam room.

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