/ / Diver - what is it and what is it in the bathroom for?

Diver - what is it and what is it in the bathroom for?

Everyone likes to take a refreshing shower orrelaxing bath. But most people do not even suspect that they use a thing like a diverter several times a day. What it is and what its purpose is, what options exist - the answers to all these questions will be found below.

divertor what is it

Purpose of the device

The divertor is a part in the crane that allowsadjust the flow of the jet by changing the position of the internal mechanism, a link between the cartridge in which the mixing of hot and cold water, and a crane. That is, to put it more simply, the divertor is a mixer switch that directs the water along one or the other pipe. They are equipped with all the faucets for the shower. And also they can be installed in flow-through filters for water or when dishwashers are connected to sinks.

The materials of the divertor are usually identicalmaterials execution of the mixer - brass with chrome, enamel, stainless steel or nickel coated and expensive models with ceramic plates.

When choosing the material mixer is worth assessingthe expected load, because the enamel version can give a chip, and from contact with nickel surfaces, an allergic reaction is possible. Stainless steel faucets have proven to be the best ones, but due to the special coating, they can immediately see any streaks, drops and fingerprints.

Installation Methods

Diverter Mixer Switch
There are 2 options for installing the diverters:

- The mechanism is integrated in the mixer body. It is used in bathroom plumbing, switches water to a watering can or to a spout through a tap.

- Presented as a separate part that is included in the kit. Used to connect dishwashers or washing machines to kitchen sinks.

For any installation option, the part can be purchased separately.

And also you should know that there are models thatThey can operate only in two positions - the direction of the jet is fixed either by one pipe or by another. And there are three-way options, they provide a choice - either switching directions, or a one-time supply of water immediately in both directions.

Types of device

Continuing the search for an answer to the question "divertor - whatthis is ", it is worthwhile to consider the main types of shower switches.The type of the divertor directly depends on the convenience of its use, durability and lifetime.

  1. Lever, or flags, divertor. Outwardly it is easy to recognize by the handle, which must be moved from side to side to change the direction of the water in the shower and back. Used in two-handed mixers.

shower switch divertor

The mechanism of the lever device is based on a crank pushing the barrel inside the mixer down or up, depending on the shift of the handle.

Plumbing with this type of device is located inthe lowest price category, because the mechanism quickly fails due to the wear of rubber cuffs. And also the calcareous plaque fastens the movements of the barrel fast enough and either hinders the movement of the lever, or leads to partial overlapping of the crane.

2. Exhaustion divertor. What it is? This type of component is fixed inside a one-armed mixer, the principle of its operation is based on pulling the button to move the head of water into the shower head. The mechanism consists of a rod and rubber cuffs.

As a rule, the button remains in the up positiondue to the water pressure, but in the part of the models there is an additional fixing knob that will help out at a low level of pressure. To do this, turn the extended button 90 degrees0. Often, users are unaware of this convenient feature and are uncomfortable with a drop in water.

When the water is turned off, the shower switch returns to its original position, the diverter lowers the button with the help of a spring.

This type of diverters is equipped with most mixers in modern plumbing.

3. Push-button (pressure) divertor. The principle of operation of the mechanism is similar to an exhaust device, but differs in that in the initial position the button remains at the top, if you need to switch to the shower on the button you need to press. Convenience is that it is easier to press than pull the lever upward.

The plus is a more robust mechanism,than at the lever switch. But at the same time, both the pushbutton and the extraction divertor are strongly susceptible to calcareous plaque, which blocks the rod. Because of the poor quality of tap water, rubber cuffs quickly shrivel and deform, leading to undermining from the tap or from the shower head.

Mixer with ceramic divertor

Mixer with ceramic divertor
Relative novelty in the world of plumbingproducts is a ceramic divertor. Outwardly it can be a two-armed or one-armed mixer with a swiveling lever. The crane, as in other models, can be made of chrome-plated steel, but for the switch the manufacturer replaced the brass parts in the cartridge with ceramic plates.

The advantages and disadvantages of a ceramic divertor

Thanks to the inclusion of ceramic in the designit was possible to significantly increase the life of the device to 300 thousand switches, which is enough for more than 50 years of daily use. The ceramic divertor is designed for increased load, including for strong water hammers. The handle stroke is smooth, the rotation angle is 1800.

The drawbacks may include the need forreturn the lever to the home position manually. If you do not do this, the next time you turn on the water will go from the pipe on which the swivel arm is installed. And surprises in the form of a cold shower at an unexpected moment not everyone likes.

Another factor is the cost of divertor mixers. But given their longevity, it is worth treating this issue philosophically.

Summarizing, we can say that the answer to the question: "The divertor - what is this?" - found. And also found answers to questions about the appointment, device types and the classification of switches. The choice of a bathroom faucet is not an easy task, it is necessary to approach it based on the knowledge gained.

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