/ / Violet Wind Rose: description, features of cultivation, care and feedback

Violet Wind Rose: description, features of growing, care and feedback

Violets can be seen on the windowsills of manylovers of home ornamental plants. Flowers are very spectacular, original and very unpretentious at the same time. There are a lot of kinds of violets. The same applies to the varieties of these houseplants. For example, very often fans of ornamental crops grow a beautiful violet Rose of the winds.


This extraordinary luxury variety was bred by one of the most famous domestic breeders of violets E. Lebetska. This specialist lives in Ukraine. In the same place it was received violet Wind rose. Like all varieties bred by Elena Lebetskaya, this one has a prefix Le in its name.

violet wind rose

All violets obtained by this specialist, including the Rose of the Winds, are very popular not only in Russia and Ukraine, but also in other countries of the near abroad.

Variety description

Received E. The Lebetsky variety is usually distinguished by a fairly symmetrical flat rosette. This concerns, in particular, the violets of the Wind Rose. The flower size of this variety is not too large. But, nevertheless, the plant looks like very effectively. Small sizes of buds in this variety are more than compensated for by the rather large sizes of the "cap" itself.

Each petal of violet Le Rose of Wind it is painted in several shades of pink. But too colorful, thanks to some "muted" coloring, the flowers do not look. Look violets of this variety are very gentle and cute. The edges of the petals of flowers The wind rose corrugated-wavy. And this sign is expressed very strongly. Therefore, despite the tenderness of color, these flowers do not look pale. In addition, in some buds there are inclusions of rather bright crimson color. The same shade has the edges of some petals. In places the rim may also be yellow-green. Sometimes the violet of Le Rose Winds inIt also produces pure white buds.

TOracy of this variety withnot only blossomed flowers will shake. Buds, wrapped in soft green leaves with a pleasant honey tinge, also look very impressive.

RThe oasis in this violet is neat, but, unfortunately, not too dense. But the flower blossoms with this, as already mentioned, a big "hat". This, of course, also adds to it fans among lovers of decorative houseplants.

Leaflets in this violet also look more spectacular than many other varieties. The color they have is juicy dark green. The edge of the leaves of this variety, as well as the petals of flowers, wavy. The leaves of the Rose of the Wind grow quite large. The plate itself is uneven, like most others, and slightly wavy.

violet of the wind rose

Feature of the variety

To grow the Rose of the winds on my windowsill, judgingaccording to reviews, would like to many lovers of violets. However, it turns out, unfortunately, not all. And the point here is not at all a whimsical sort. Many growers, unfortunately, note the very strong tendency of violets The wind rose to sport. Description of thisth flower, given by us above, allows us to judge him as really really spectacular. However, this violet loses its varietal qualities in fact very often.

Instead of delicate pink flowers that amaze the hugethe number of shades, in lovers of indoor plants, when used as a planting material, for example, a leaf, often grow bright crimson or juicy pink monophonic. The color and shape of the leaves with the loss of flower varietal qualities also vary greatly. The color of the plate becomes more pale and yellowish. The waviness of the edge disappears. On the petals this sign often is preserved, but not too pronounced.

 sort of violet rose wind

Look sportful Violet Wind Rose in some cases can be quite effective. Most housewives do not get rid of such plants, but continue to grow them. However, of course, to the beauty of this Rose of the Winds, many sports are far away.

Sometimes it also happens that this variety loses its attributes only partially. It happens that several buds of different colors grow in a violet Le Rose of the Winds. Sports sooh kind look usually very impressive. Many fans of violets believe that such "mutants" look no worse than the Rose of the winds themselves, and, of course, they continue to grow them with pleasure.

Where to plant

One of the features of the violet wind rose isthat in some cases it can give a huge slightly "loose" rosette. To prevent this from happening, plant this flower in a pot of not too large diameter.

RThe oasis near the violet The wind rose is large, but also of flowersit usually grows very much. So this plant looks in any case completely proportional and harmonious. Some landladies, on the contrary, plant this variety in a very large pot. In this capacity with proper care, you can get a luxurious giant violet with a huge cap of buds.

violet rose winds sport description

Violet Wind Rose: Care of the plant

When growing this variety, as well as almost any other, it is necessary to observe such rules:

  • the air temperature in a room with a plant should not fall below 14 0With or rise above 28 0FROM;

  • drafts in the place of growth of the violet should not be;

  • It is impossible that the plant receives direct sunlight, but it should be lighted with this.

Winterth violet Rose of the windsIn addition, the lamp should be illuminated.

How to water

With regard to lighting, the Wind Rose is a plantrather capricious. The same applies to irrigation. Humidify the soil in a pot with this violet should be correct. Sprinkle the Rose of the winds, putting the container in which it grows, on the pallet. Water is preliminarily settled for 24 hours. Pour it into a jelly with a narrow nose. You can not allow water to get on the violet leaves during watering. To do this when using, for example, a regular glass, even despite the relative friability of Rosa wind outlet, is quite difficult.

Very often the soil under the violet of the wind rosemoisten also with a wick method. This technology is not used for plants with a loose rosette. However, in the Rose of the Winds, this feature is a varietal one. The growth of its leaves does not depend on the watering technique used. Therefore, it is allowed to use wick technology for it. This method is as follows:

  1. A wick is made of any synthetic material. This can be, for example, a rope or a twisted clip of old stockings. The thickness of the finished wick should be about 0.15-0.2 cm.

  2. One end of the manufactured wick is passed through the drain hole of the pot under the violet and securely fixed with a loop.

  3. The free end of the wick is lowered into some container of water. It can be, for example, the cut off of a plastic bottle or glass. A pot with the most violet and a wick is placed over it.

wind blowing

With this method of watering the plant will be provided with the necessary amount of moisture for about 2 weeks.

How to fertilize

Of course, Violet Wind Rose, like any other indoor plant, requiresperiodic feeding. Fertilize this flower with complex mineral compounds intended for crops grown in rooms. And to acquire for the Rose of the winds is desirable composition, made specifically for violets.

Make fertilizing for this plant quite often. In the warm season, the flower is fertilized approximately once a week. In autumn and winter, the amount of food can be reduced.


Keep the violet rose in the same potwinds are too long undesirable. After all, even constant feeding does not save the earth in a container with any flower from exhaustion. Transplant the Rose of the winds is required in the event that:

  • On the surface of the soil, a white coating appeared in the pot;

  • the plant has an oppressed appearance, its leaves die, and the feeding does not help.

The wind rose is transshipped by the wind rose.conventional technology. That is, take a larger pot, pour in it expanded clay and a soil mixture designed for growing violets (a little). Next, a flower is placed in the pot and covered with the remaining soil.

wind blowing sport

All rotten roots in the transshipment process should beremove. Peduncles are removed a few days before this procedure. After the Root neck of the Rose of the winds is covered, the soil in the pot should be slightly compacted and spilled with water.

Reviews of the Violet Windrose

It looks really very impressive. And that's why the lover of violets usually responds with enthusiasm. It often takes a long time to grow it. And they try to get this variety on their windowsill sometimes and several times. After all, as already mentioned, violet Rose of Wind is prone to loss of varietal qualities. Negative feedback about this plant practically do not exist.

 Violet Wind Rose Care

The only thing, some falkovodov not tooare pleased with a loose rosette of this flower. However, as already mentioned, with proper care such a varietal trait does not spoil the appearance of the plant at all. After all, the hat (which can be judged, in particular, by the reviews), it has really very magnificent flowers.</ span </ p>

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