/ / Thermoregulator in the socket: purpose, principle of operation, installation rules

Thermoregulator in the socket: purpose, principle of operation, installation rules

Heating the house with electricalheaters is simple and convenient. Modern models are compact, beautiful, their installation practically does not affect the decoration of the room. The only drawback is the disappointing price per kilowatt of energy consumed, and the "eat" heaters are pretty decent. Therefore, for a reasonable organization of electric heating systems are created that, when working in tandem with them, reduce the consumption of electricity. Such devices are called thermoregulators. Convector electric wall with a thermoregulator has long been known to all, but now there are independent thermostats, to which you can connect any heating elements.

thermostat in the socket

What is the temperature regulator

A thermoregulator is a sensor thatmonitors the temperature in the room (on the body of the device) and closes or opens the heating circuit of the heating element in accordance with the set parameters of the upper and lower temperature limits. The simplest thermoregulator for domestic heaters is a thermostat that operates on a bimetallic plate. When the plate is heated, its shape changes (it bends), and it has a mechanical effect on the electrical contact, breaking it.

Types of temperature regulators

Modern thermoregulators produce differentmodifications, and they are quite functional, allow you to program the temperature parameters hourly and for a week. There are systems that can be controlled by a computer and a smartphone.

thermostat for domestic heaters

Structurally, thermostats arestationary type, which are fixed to a constant place and lead to power wires. There is also a portable thermostat for connection to the outlet. By the type of location of the temperature sensor - with a built-in and remote sensor.

Also there are systems, for example, an electric wall convector with a thermostat built into the body of the device. Adjustment is carried out by controlling the degree of convector heating.

convector electric wall with thermostat

The principle of the electronic thermostat

The electronic temperature controllers are equipped with a temperature sensor, an electronic key, a control circuit and a switching relay. When certain temperature parameters are set, the following occurs:

  1. The sensor monitors the temperature and converts its performance into electrical resistance.
  2. This resistance has a controlling effect on the electronic key, which is closed, and the electrical circuit is broken when the temperature in the room exceeds that set on the instrument.
  3. As soon as the temperature has dropped below the set temperature, the key opens and the power relay opens, closing the electrical circuit - the heater starts working through the thermostat, into the socket connected.
  4. Exceeding the temperature of the set parameters immediately closes the key, and the circuit is opened.

To be more precise, there is notfixed point, and a certain interval of temperature within which the regulation takes place. For example, if the indicator is set to 20 degrees, the device can turn on when the temperature is lower than 19, and turn off when it reaches 21.

thermostats in the socket for the heaters

Thermostat in the socket

Very easy to use mobileThermostat, which is installed directly on any outlet. It is an adapter from the outlet to the heater. For this type of device it does not matter by what principle the connected load operates, that is, the oil heater is a spiral or quartz heater. The most important thing is that the power of the device does not exceed the permissible power of the thermostat.

thermostat with sensor in the socket

Rules for installing the thermostat

In order for the thermostat to work efficiently, it is necessary to correctly install it, or rather, to locate the thermo sensor itself:

  • Install the unit around 1.5 meters from the floor,of course, if there is an outlet in the room at this level. But not below 0.4 meters. Otherwise, the temperature sensations in the room will not match the reading.
  • The distance to the heater should be sufficient. Otherwise, the unit will quickly heat up and turn off, and there will be no heat in the room.
  • Thermostat should not be exposed to the sun's rays.
  • The body of the thermostat has ventilation openings and must not be covered with objects.
  • The device must be protected from small children.

When designing a house and laying an electric heating system in it, it's easier to immediately lay the location of the power outlets where the thermostats will be installed in the socket for the heaters.

Remote temperature sensor on the thermoregulator

Thermoregulators with a remote sensor are much more convenient than with a built-in sensor. Despite the fact that the latter are cheaper, the first provide:

  • More accurate temperatures. Even if you install the thermostat in a socket with a built-in sensor by all rules, the internal circuit of the device still heats up, adds an error to the measurements of the ambient temperature. The remote sensor is free of this drawback.
  • Ease of installation. Especially it concerns models with a temperature sensor on a long wire (there are up to 10 meters in length), because the unit can be attached anywhere, this will not affect the readings.

A significant drawback of such a system is theThe need for an additional fixing of the wire to the sensor and in less mobility of the unit. Although there is a thermoregulator with a sensor in a remote type outlet on a short wire.

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