/ / Anthurium: diseases and their prevention

Anthurium: diseases and their prevention

A gift of the tropics, beautiful and a bit strange, butsuch a desirable, anthurium is known to flower growers as a capricious handsome man, who is not easy to please. Indeed, often in a few months, a luxurious plant turns into a sloppy bush, which eventually goes to the dump. But not too fond Anthurium. Diseases of it, as a rule, are provoked by errors in care that weaken the plant and form the conditions for the development of pathogens.

Low illumination, excessive dryness of air,drafts, poor ventilation, sudden temperature jumps or a violation of the temperature regime, drying or overmoistening of the substrate, lack of nutrients or, on the contrary, their excess - the presence of at least one of these factors can lead to the death of the plant. And if you consider that, as a rule, they are present in the complex, it becomes clear why it is so rare to find a healthy and beautiful anthurium in an apartment or office. Diseases do not develop just like that. For this they need certain conditions. And the flower growers themselves create these conditions.

What are the most dangerous factors for this?a tropical visitor? In most cases, the cause of all problems with the anthurium lies in the improperly selected substrate. In nature, it lives in a loose and airy forest litter, and many species have an epiphytic or semi-epiphytic mode of life. Therefore, in captivity, the plant needs a permeable substrate with good aeration and a powerful layer of drainage. Otherwise, it is unlikely that the anthurium will be preserved. Diseases can not attack him, but the plant will wilt, fade, its growth will slow sharply, and flowering stops. If, however, at the same time there is over-wetting of the substrate and fever, may begin to develop pathogenic fungi that cause root and stem rot. The source of infection, as a rule, is an unsterilized soil mixture or a vase after the deceased plant.

Signs of development of rottenness appear externally inthe withering, leading to the death of the plant. On the roots or on the lower part of the stems, dark sunken spots form, which rapidly increase in size. On the affected areas it is often possible to observe a mycelium of white or gray color.

How to save an anthurium affected by such a disease? Watering and sprinkling should be stopped, the top part of the soil removed, and in return, pour in the dry mixture (or completely replace the substrate if it "breathes" badly and allows moisture). In addition, we will have to resort to the help of chemistry. Fungicides "Ridomil", "Topsin M", "Fundazol", "Previkur" and some others are good at mushroom-causing rot. And, of course, it is necessary to create conditions favorable for the plant, and not for its diseases.

Another destructive disease affecting anthurium in captivity is anthracnose. Its pathogens are also parasitic fungi (representatives of the genus Colletorichum and genus Gloeosporium), which develop in conditions of waterlogging andhigh temperature. The disease affects all parts of the plant, except roots and flowers. The first sign is the appearance on the leaves and stems of yellow-brown spots with spots of sporulation, painted in a dark color. Over time, spots grow, merge, the leaf becomes brown color and dries up. Soon the plant is dying.

The optimal for the development of anthracnose are"Greenhouse" conditions - high humidity combined with high temperature. Therefore, with spraying anthurium should not be zealous - it is enough to conduct this procedure once a day.

Under similar conditions, septoriosis develops,the causative agent of which are the fungi of the genus Septoria. This disease begins with the appearance of whitish or gray spots with a brown rim, having a round or oval shape. Over time, spots grow, and in the middle of some of them appear black or dark brown spores. Over time, the spots cover the entire sheet, and it dries. Septoria is also capable of destroying an anturium.

Diseases recede, if theavoid mistakes and take advantage of fungicides. In both cases "Strobi", "Abiga-Peak", copper-containing preparations work well, including the time-tested "Bordoska". If you take action, the plant will quickly recover, begin to build up the greens, and soon the first flower will appear.

Anthurium, whose diseases are not so numerous, just needs proper care. If you love the plant and understand its nature, you can avoid a lot of trouble.

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