/ / Relief stucco: tips for choosing and using

Embossed plaster: tips for choosing and applying

Relief stucco is afinishing materials, widely used today for the implementation of arbitrarily bold design projects. Thanks to the unique composition, which includes special additives and binders, the coating can be represented by different configurations - here you can include natural stone, cork, orange peel, and wood. The application of such plaster independently allows you to show your creative abilities. You will be able to create a variety of relief shapes and color shades, as well as patterns.

Tips for choosing

relief plaster

The relief plaster today is presented tosale in a wide range. It can differ in structure, relief, and also in the quality of auxiliary additives. Here you can include other parameters. However, the basic classification is the separation of the bases and binders. This parameter is a priority, because it is about choosing a finishing mixture. And even if you clearly follow the recommendations for plaster application, there is a possibility of obtaining an unsatisfactory result. This can happen when the master has chosen a solution that does not match the structural features of the wall. As possible defects in the violation of technology, one can distinguish blisters, cracks, as well as detachment and deterioration in the characteristics of materials. For example, if you choose a relief plaster for a wall made of aerated concrete, which has a high porosity, a high vapor permeability is an indispensable condition for the composition used. Otherwise, moisture will accumulate and destroy the coating, as well as the structure of the wall. This indicates the need for a competent selection of a solution that will match the basis.

Recommendations of a specialist in choosing a textured plaster

textured plaster

Relief stucco "Breeze" can beis represented by a mineral base. The starting material is a dry mix of cement, which is the main binder. Among the ingredients, there are other auxiliary components that give relief and elasticity. Such plaster should be used in tandem with mineral surfaces. The textured plaster "Kadoro" can be silicate, where the liquid special glass acts as a connecting base. This composition has a high vapor permeability and is universal, as it is used for almost all surfaces. Among its additional characteristics can be identified resistance to various kinds of influences. This is reflected in the price. You can buy this material in the form of a composition that is ready for application to the surface.

When to choose silicone plaster

internal plaster

Textured plaster "Celestia" can have incomposition and silicone base, it provides a reliable grip, which is guaranteed by the presence of synthetic resins. Working with such a composition is quite simple, since the material is plastic. Among other things, the silicone mixture is suitable for mineral and other types of building structures. Plaster is used not only for internal surfaces inside the room, but also for facades.

When to choose acrylic plaster

plaster composition

The composition of the plaster may suggest the presenceacrylic. This material has a consistency that is ready for finishing works. Coverage is combined with the basics of mineral content, in which quality concrete acts. Here you can refer and other typical grounds. The connecting component is acrylic resin. Described compositions have texture features, recommendations for use, as a rule, are reflected on the package. Among other things, the consumer can receive additional information from a consultant.

Variety of relief plaster coatings

cost of plastering

Internal plaster, as well as external,is divided into three main types, namely - a flat surface with the use of divorces and color pigments, texture composition with the application of arbitrary application techniques, as well as a textured mixture with the application of the finished pattern.

Preparation for work

plaster wall plastering

It is necessary to take into account the moment that the texturedthe composition is predisposed to the accumulation of moisture and dust, which is why it is recommended to use smooth reliefs in the kitchen. For the same reason, due to the high humidity in the bathroom, it is necessary to protect the surface reliably and qualitatively, using lacquers. Any textured mixture should be applied to the prepared surface. The wall should be leveled and covered with a primer. The latter is best chosen with the characteristics of deep penetration and dry the wall after its use. Some varieties of plasters allow you to ignore the unevenness of the wall, but the impressive differences in the irregularities and levels must be eliminated in advance.

Preparation of tools

relief decorative plaster

If you are making plaster wallsit is important to prepare tools: a set of putty knives, a corner spatula, a plaster trowel, a trowel, a grater, plumb, level and rule. When selecting spatulas, several sizes should be used, one of the tools should have dimensions of 30 centimeters, while the second one should have 10 centimeters.

Carrying out basic works

Relief decorative plaster shouldapplied by a certain technology, which involves the distribution of the solution on the wall or part of the surface with the necessary layer. To do this, you should use a trowel. Particular accuracy at this stage should not be observed, the main thing at the same time - the uniformity of thickness with a small error. The desired thickness of the layer is chosen taking into account the required result. Given the height of the picture, you must leave 1, 5 millimeters thick under it. In order for you to understand how to make plastering, it is best to experiment on a small area, you can use a piece of drywall for this. This will allow you to select the required thickness of the original layer and the application technology.

If you purchased a finished product, you mustremember that it involves slow drying, it's to call the master to get more time to form a pattern and even distribution. If you use a traditional cement-gypsum or sand-cement mortar, it is best to determine in advance your actions and distribute the surface on the site, which you will perform gradually.

Billing Formation

The application of relief plaster involvesgiving a surface texture. Depending on what kind of result you want to get, you should choose the tool, as well as the technology of application. To obtain a specific texture, you can use rollers, finished stamps, brushes and spatulas. Quite often, masters use hair rollers, after which they use a finished surface with a unique pattern. As an alternative, it is possible to carry out a spatula on the finished surface, smoothing the plaster. Another option is the use of rollers, on the surface of which an ornament or pattern is applied. In this case, it is necessary to draw over the surface once along the entire length, or act in different directions, which will allow to obtain a crushed ornament. If plaster is applied with a roller, it will be possible to achieve a reduction in material consumption.

Use of alternative variants for formation of a relief

Texture plaster can be applied as it wassaid above, with ready-made stamps. These are blanks of enormous sizes, on the working base of which there is an ornament or pattern. During operation, the stamp should be cleaned regularly from the mixture, wetting it with water. Quite often complete with such a tool is a soft version of rubber, which allows you to bring the picture in hard-to-reach parts of the walls.

If you use a simple spatula, then finishcan turn a wall into an artist's canvas. The simplest option is the formation of relief using the texture of wild stone. You can deepen the spatula in the layer, getting the desired pattern. The same applies to clear tools with prongs. The deduction of the ornament can be done independently, but the result will be the most effective.

Carrying out the decoration: the final stage

As soon as the surface texture is achievedplaster layer, it is possible to carry out measures for protecting the wall and further decorating it. The master will have to make the primer, after that it is allowed to apply several layers of paint. The entire surface is painted with a color of a darker shade, while using a roller with a long nap, it is sometimes replaced with a brush. As soon as the first layer dries, you can use a roller with a short pile or a tool with a flat rubber working surface, with which you will be able to apply a lighter paint on the surface. In this way, you give the color of the protruding part of the texture. If it is not supposed to produce the stain that is true when using colored plaster, which contains pigments, the surface should still be covered with a protective layer. For this, colorless varnish is most often used.

Application of special formulations

The cost of plastering can be equal to 1100 rublesfor 8 kilograms. It can be used with a variety of fillers that allow you to create the desired pattern. Thus, granules of polymers or granite chips are added to the ingredients to form the "bark beetle" surface. Such a composition is initially applied by smoothing to the entire surface, and then left until it sets. After that, it is necessary to pass through the grater, which will stretch the crumb and granules in the solution, forming specific furrows. You can use the usual option, in which the grater is held horizontally or vertically. In this case, the furrows will be located in parallel. You can grate along the trajectory of the circle, which allows you to achieve a more unique and interesting drawing. Addition can be not just hard, but also soft granules that fill with paint. In this case, the same application method can be used, which will differ from the previous one in that the granules will be crushed and the surface will be painted in different colors. The base of the plaster can also have more liquid solutions, which will make it possible to form the effect of smudges. A thicker composition makes it possible to form a tall figure. But remember that the deeper the pattern, the faster it will accumulate dust.


Standard finished plasters have whitecolor, but to give a certain shade of the surface you can use lacquer and colored pigments. If plasters of different colors are available, then surfaces with different compositions can be obtained. Moreover, to achieve such unusual results, even a novice master, who does not have sufficient experience in carrying out such work, will be able to. It will be enough just to practice before applying the mixture to the wall. You can use a drywall that will allow you to gain experience and exclude mistakes when working on the walls of any room in your home.

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