/ / Tomato Linda: a description of two species with the same name

Tomato Linda: a description of two species with the same name

The exquisite female name Linda is assigned to two speciestomato - a wonderful variety of cherry, able to produce good harvests at home on the balcony, and no less successful hybrid tomato, bred by Japanese breeders and preferring open beds. We learn about the features of each of them.

Tomato Linda: characteristics and description of the variety

A characteristic feature of this ultra-fast ripeningtomato is enviable unpretentiousness, amazing fruiting speed and its duration. The average timeframe required for the maturation of tomato is 95-99 days, that is, by planting seeds in March, you can get the first fruits by the end of June.

Linda tomato

A small, almost dwarfish,height no more than 25-30 cm Linda tomato is formed into a compact bush with a strong dense stem and a small number of leaves. The variety is known for good fruitiness, high resistance to cooling and uncritical temperature changes. The lack of lighting does not affect its qualitative development, although it must be recognized that with sufficient access to the light of the ovaries on the bush, much more is formed.

The first brush of tomato Linda forms after 7-8sheet. If the capacity for planting is quite extensive, then the bushes are placed at the rate of 7-9 pieces per square meter. It is famous for this tomato and good resistance to such serious "tomato" ailments as verticillosis and fusariosis.

Tomato Linda: reviews, photos, yields

This determinant variety, according to the reviews of vegetable farmersand lovers, has a great ability to fruit formation: the whole bush is covered with small elastic red fruits weighing 25-35 grams. Experienced gardener noted the high yield of the variety and no less decorative. Those who have first-hand knowledge of this plant noticed that the bush, dotted with red tomatoes, resembles an inverted grape brush.

Tomato Linda f1 Description

A distinctive feature of the variety islong fruiting: the last fruits are removed in late September. Linda tomatoes are excellent for fresh consumption, decorating culinary delights, and also in processing - canning, salting, salad billets and semi-finished products.

Cultivation and care

Like many nightshade, tomato Linda lovesneutral, fertile, drained soils. Seeds before sowing it is desirable to sustain in solution any growth biostimulator (Zircon, Epin, Energen, Vympel). In seedling stage seedlings are fed with full mineral fertilizer, for example, "Kemira" or "Agricola" in solutions recommended by manufacturers.

tomato linden f1 description of the reviews

Salvaged young plants should alsoto receive the necessary nutrition throughout the growing season with a frequency of once every 2-3 weeks. Tomat Linda does not need pasynkovaniya, support and tying, in fact confirming the assurances of breeders that this variety will not become a burden for beginners and inexperienced truck farmers.

Hybrid Linda F1: description and features

Product of Japanese selection, tomato Linda F1,is a bush of determinant type with a powerful knobby stalk, reaching a height of 1 meter. It is considered optimal to grow it in the open ground. This is the mid-early large-fruited variety with ripening of fruits on the 100-110th day from seeding. The hybrid is characterized by a high yield of qualitative single-size fetuses and preservation of their sizes throughout the summer growing season. This property is due to the great popularity amongst vegetable growers of such a culture as Linda f1 tomato.

tomato linda photos photo yield

Description, reviews of gardeners-professionals emphasize the merits of the hybrid:

  • confront such diseases as fusariosis and verticillium wilt, gray spotting, alternaria stalk cancer;
  • good adaptation to stressful conditions of cultivation - cold snaps and fast change of weather conditions;
  • ability to productive setting of fruits at high temperatures;
  • excellent marketable appearance of fruits, high transportability;
  • dense skin of fruits, allowing to salt tomatoes entirely.

The recommended density of planting is 3-4 plants per square meter.

Fruits hybrid Linda f1

Ripened tomatoes - large, flat-roundedform, weighing 200-300 g. Coloration - even, without green spots near the stalk. Fruits are not susceptible to cracking. Like many hybrid species, the Linda F1 tomatoes are very dense, have a pleasant table taste with a slight sourness. Immature fruit - light green, absolutely ripe, painted in a bright red color. Tomat Linda f1, the description of which is presented in the article, is universal. In home cooking it is used in the preparation of various salads, sauces, juices, dressings, salting and canning.

Peculiarities of farming and care farming

Seeds are sown for seedlings in March, for 1.5-2months before the planned landing on a permanent place. Dive the seedlings with the appearance of 2-3 real leaves, after which they are fed with a complex fertilizer with an increased content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Irrigation is carried out as needed, keeping track of the moderation and preventing the drying of the earth coma. Top dressing for the seedling growing period is carried out 2-3 times. To avoid stretching, the seedlings are also controlled by the light regime, lighting up, if this is unavoidable.

tomato linda characterization and description of the variety

Planted in a ridge with a prepared fertile,water- and air-permeable soil. The plant, thanks to a powerful stalk, does not need support and tying. Watering the culture is better in the evening, when the sun went down. The presented varieties are very promising, but each vegetable grower chooses a culture in accordance with their own preferences.

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