/ / Types of Design

Types of Design

Creating a design is both complex anda simple matter. On the one hand, you can highlight the need for a sense of taste and at least some knowledge about the combination of color and space, and on the other, there are a lot of small subtleties and nuances, without regard to which in some rooms even the most chic design will look inappropriate. However, even before calling a specialist, you should already have an idea of ​​what your interior will look like in the future. It is for this purpose to know what the main types of design exist. Only this way it will be possible to put on the creation of some kind of individual style in the interior.

Main Types of Design

Art Deco style. Its main idea is to effectively combine the functionality and luxury of all subjects. This, in fact, a combination of bourgeois sophistication, however, here all the items are useful and functional. This style is suitable for those who appreciate coziness and want to show their wealth. Here, a golden-brown range of colors is used, and the decor elements have a wavy and zigzag-like finish, structure and shape.

Modern is a style that is not suitable forany premises. In general, these types of design are more appropriate for mansions and villas. Their most important idea is to demonstrate the wealth and luxury of the owner, here the functionality of individual items is not important. Must be present modern details of the decor: wooden, forged, gilded and others. In general, everything should not be very much, without any pretentiousness and excess. The details of the design and wallpaper must be made of fabric.

Hi-tech is a very good style for ordinaryapartments of small sizes. This modern style can be used to decorate the villa, however, there must be something that is suitable for ordinary dwellings. This kind of design was originally created for the design of offices, its essence lies in its simplicity, refinement, as well as in the maximum usefulness of even the most minor details, the absence of excesses and unnecessary details. The use of huge mirrors on the entire wall is designed to visually increase space, the lack of unnecessary furniture is designed to rid of piling up, and highlight give refined details. Windows are usually covered with simple monochrome curtains or blinds. Color should choose the base.

The style of minimalism is characterized by the absenceeverything is superfluous, only furniture and various objects of simple form are used here. It is well suited for small apartments, however, this is not an idea of ​​design, but a way of thinking.

Kitsch is a modern designinterior. It is great for living quarters. This kind of design calls for combining incongruous. This style can be born both on the basis of excessive wealth and extreme poverty. Such types of design can be attractive to many people. There may be a huge number of options.

Naturally, this is not all kinds of interior design, there are a lot of other, no less interesting. It is also worth mentioning about styles in another area.

What can be the types of landscape design

As in the room, in the garden all the gardeningbegins with the project. This is a very important stage in the process of decorating the garden. Your garden will be planted for a specific project. If you miss this stage, then you can make a lot of mistakes, and you will incur extra material costs. And if you carry out landscaping of the site yourself, then you can spend a lot of time on it. There is a classic, landscape and oriental landscape design. When designing it is necessary to think through all the details, so first the plan is best to draw on a piece of paper.

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