/ / Bamboo of Happiness

Bamboo of Happiness

Dracaena - the tree of happiness refers to the succulentshrubs that grow in Africa. Several of its species grow in southern Asia and one species in the tropical part of Central America. There are variegated and green varieties. The most beautiful species with colorful bright leaves are bred in greenhouses and delivered to flower shops around the world.

The name of this plant appeared thanks tothe legend of the Aztecs. According to her, the warrior who fell in love with the priest's daughter had to raise a living tree from a withered stick in the name of love in 5 days. He managed to revive a dead mote. In his place grew dracaena - the tree of happiness. Up to now, many believe in this tradition.

Many varieties of this plant are interesting forgrowing in room conditions. They are considered to be drug-decorative, and they look beautiful against a background of various interiors of premises. Since the appearance of zigzag-like branches with green foliage in stores, many began to use them as decor of houses and offices, without thinking that this is the bamboo of happiness - one of the varieties of dracaena. They are quite exotic and look great in compositions or as separate units.

Bamboo of happiness externally is really very strongresembles the usual bamboo: the same shape, lintels on the trunk, the color of shoots. In fact, there is nothing in common between these plants. Dracaena Sanderica belongs to the family of agave, she has tree-like shoots. Bamboo is a lignified plant that belongs to the family of cereals.

Decorative shape of a plant happy bamboois achieved by artificial interference. Hard wire and special tubes, are able to bend the shoots into intricate shapes. The plant has a long viability. Its cultivation is quite simple, the main thing is timely pour fresh water.

Despite the fact that bamboo of happiness is grown inwater, your plant can die if you do not know one more important point. Mineral fertilizers are needed to avoid yellowing of the leaves. Try to find him a fairly bright place, but without hitting the direct sun on the leaves. The acceptable temperature is 23 C. Water abundantly in the summer, in the winter - moderately. That's all the secrets of caring for bamboo happiness. With this unpretentious care this plant will be a great addition to your interior. It is very beautiful dracaena will look in a transparent vessel, if you fill it with a multi-colored hydrogel or decorative stones.

You can also plant the lucky bamboo insoil, but at the same time try to provide him with good drainage. For this you can use claydite or ceramic pebbles. Soil can be used such that is suitable for any indoor flowers, or special for dracaena. Provide him with copious watering for the time when he migrated from the aquatic environment to the ground, because when he gets into such conditions, his roots noticeably weaken. Your escape will grow into a remarkable tree up to 1 m high. It has a standing stem and a bunch of leaves on top. Leaflets can be green and gray-green. In this form, the tree will not look like bamboo. Rather, it will resemble a palm tree, which also does not apply.

The original place is occupied by this plant inJapanese culture. Bamboo of happiness, presented to a man, symbolizes an unbending, firm character and courage. In Asia, it is considered a symbol of health, happiness and success. The best gift for any holiday in Asia is the bamboo of happiness. The teachings of Feng Shui treats him as bringing happiness, attracting wealth and energy, health. It is believed that his stay in the house guarantees a cheerful mood and happiness, and the composition of his shoots is called the "tower of love" and provides a particularly warm relationship between the spouses.

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