/ / Shelf for icons: the holy corner of a Christian house

Shelf for icons: the holy corner of a Christian house

In the house of every believer person is compulsoryis a separate place for icons. As a rule, they are located in the corner, and for that there are special reasons. The most convenient way to arrange the faces of the saints is the shelf for icons. As a rule, they are angular, but they can be ordinary.

shelf for icons

Why icons are located in the corner

In fact, this tradition goes back farin the past. Even in the ancient Russian huts, images of saints were located in the so-called red corners. This corner was the most important in the house, even the guests could not approach it without the approval of the owners. No wonder, because this place was considered an analog of the altar, so it demanded the most honorable attitude. The place for such an iconostasis was chosen not by chance. The angle where the shelf for the icons was located was supposed to be the most noticeable. A glance at him was to fall immediately upon entering the room. And it is desirable that such an angle existed in each room. However, this depends on the personal preferences of the owners. In the modern Orthodox society, the rules for the arrangement of icons have not changed. However, there were some nuances, for example, it is impossible, that the shelf for icons was located in front of the TV. In addition, the icons are not recommended to hang on the wall, it is believed that they must always stand on a strictly reserved place for them. But some still put them on the wall, because modern apartments do not always have enough space to place holy images strictly on the shelf. Since the icons should be located in the corner, the best option would be a corner shelf for icons. You can buy it or make it yourself.

Corner shelf for icons

Acquisition of shelves

shelf for icons buy

So, if the place for a home iconostasisit is determined, the matter remains for a small one: the shelf itself is for the icons. You can buy it in special Orthodox shops. In such places, shelves for icons are usually made in Christian traditions. In addition to good wood (oak, alder, ash, linden), the best quality brocade is used, and the basma is made of brass with further polishing. Such shelves will certainly create the right atmosphere when a person wants to be surrounded by images of saints and pray. It is also necessary to have a lamp, which lights up during the great Orthodox holidays or during prayers. The shelf for icons can consist of several tiers, this option is even more convenient, since it is possible to create a truly real iconostasis. If there is no opportunity to purchase a shelf in a specialized store or an Orthodox online store, you can go to her search in the usual furniture. There you can often find something similar. In extreme cases, you can buy a regular non-corner shelf, but hang it in a corner. The craftsmen, who are good at working with wood and tools, can make a shelf on their own. This option will even be preferable, because a person will put his soul and his own forces into the design of the home iconostasis. But in no case should you not allow the shelf for icons to be placed in cabinets or walls. And in general, that icons should be kept in such an unacceptable way. It is worth trying and equipping the location of images of saints in the best way.

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