/ / Cyclamen: care in different periods of growth

Cyclamen: care in different periods of growth

Sleeping in the summer flower of the Greeks called "cyclamen". Care for him requires knowledge about the flower itself. It is a beautiful perennial plant, which forms a corms almost perfect round shape.

It is in the cyclamen club that the whole life of the plant is concentrated. After all, the whole 8 - 9 months. In the year the Cyclamen plant sleeps, completely getting rid of the leaves and flowers.

In winter, when there are so few bright colors around,and thus the majority of plants usually do not bloom, it is cyclamen will please connoisseurs of beauty. The popularity of this wonderful houseplant is increasing every year. Many people compare the flowers of a cyclamen with wonderful exotic butterflies that flutter over heart-shaped dark green leaves.

The flowers of the plant are curved back, pointed. There is a huge variety of their colors: white, different shades of red and pink, purple, there are also hybrids with beautiful terry petals. Leaflets are located on slender long petioles and carry on themselves a decorative silver pattern.

Flowers flower cyclamen for a long time. It depends also on the quality and quality of the room conditions: the flowering of the plant can begin in the second half of October and last as long as the end of the month of March.

How to choose a cyclamen

Be sure to pay attention when buyingonly on the leaves of the plant, but also on the tuber itself. Leaflets should not have any damage, be of any degree sluggish and slightly withered at the edges. On a round tuber, there must be no signs of rotting, and in no case should it be wrinkled. Cyclamen, care for which in summer is not interesting to new owners, to acquire the best in the fall, at the beginning of its flowering. It is desirable thus that the flower has a huge number of buds.

Cyclamen: care

Many believe that it will be difficult enoughcare for the cyclamen. But this is not so. The main thing to know is how often to water a cyclamen. With the observance of simple rules of care, it will be more than 20 years of pleasing its charming flowering.

The most common mistake of the florists is fullburying a round tuber plant. This cyclamen does not like. It feels fine when 1/3 of the tuber is free above the main surface of the soil. Do not like cyclamens and large pots. They bloom in them badly, and sometimes they rot.

Cyclamen: care in the flowering period

The main condition for leaving in the flowering period isoptimal, cool temperature - up to 12 - 15 ° C, but not lower than 10 ° С and in no case higher than 20 ° С. Despite the fact that cyclamen need a lot of light, protect the plant from direct sunlight.

For an excellent well-being of this planta regular abundant watering is necessary, in which it is necessary to ensure that water does not fall in any way on the germinal zone of the corms, flowers and leaves.

Care after the end of periodic flowering

From late spring cyclamen usually comeslong period of rest. Flowers and leaves wither. Still not fallen leaves are cleaned in the usual mechanical way - twist neatly or gently cut with scissors, trying not to touch the tuber itself. In such a period it is necessary to significantly reduce the watering of the plant. And just do not allow the earth's coma to dry out in the pot. Also recommend to transfer the plant to a cool, shaded place. Remember cyclamens do not like dry air and heat. The appearance of new leaflets is a sure sign that the plant has already woken up and has "hibernated" safely.

The transplantation of this plant is done at the end"Sleepy" period and before the beginning of flowering. At the next transplant, the entire earth lump is completely replaced. Remove unnecessary decayed roots from a tired plant. After 4 weeks after this procedure, you can begin to actively feed the soil.

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