/ / Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia

Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia

Plant spurge, or euphorbia, received its name for the milky juice, which it allocates in case of damage. This is a fairly poisonous liquid that causes an allergic reaction.

Euphorbia garden
Euphorbia garden is unpretentious, it does not requirespecial care and therefore invaluable for florists in the design of parks and gardens. All its varieties have one characteristic feature: they are completely green - from the root to the flower. And only minor shades of white and yellow can be observed on the leaves of plants. Euphorbia on our continent is quite common: it occurs throughout Europe. This genus has collected about two thousand subspecies of annual and perennial plants, such as fringed, cypress, fire, Altaic, etc. Blossom spurge garden single or collected in the inflorescence of small flowers, and the box that appears after this - its fruit. It is believed that this plant is an excellent honey plant. Specialists highly appreciate his honey.

Euphorbia Tirucalli


Euphoria garden unpretentious: it does not require special care. For normal growth, you just need to feed it, and in a very dry period - water it. In addition, a good reflection on the plant and cutting off dry stems. Euphorbia does not like frequent transplants. Since this plant is poisonous, for safety reasons it is necessary to use garden gloves when working with it. If you get milky juice on your skin, you may get burns and irritations. Euphorbia grows both in strongly illuminated and partially shaded areas, while in the shade it does not bloom well, preferring acidified light soils and practically not getting used to both heavy and wetlands.

Euphorbia in the garden


This plant multiplies both by division and by seeds. Its annual varieties, for example, spurge the comb, are sown in the soil in May, and perennial - in the early autumn. Seeds should be placed at a distance of up to seventy centimeters, depending on the variety. Before planting, peat or compost is added to the soil. The division takes place in April. Each stalk leaves two or three kidneys.

In landscape design

Euphorbia garden can decorate any garden. This plant can be planted and solitary bushes on lawns, and groups in the curbs. It is great for decorating a rock garden - rock garden or rock garden, as well as mixborders and various flower beds. This is explained by its versatility. By its inconspicuousness and originality, the spurge of the garden can both emphasize and shade the beauty of any other plant. In addition, the presence of a large selection of varieties makes it possible for designers to use them in any style.

Euphorbia cristate
It can be an ordinary village, inwhich is abundantly present meadow geranium, sunflower or nivian, or aristocratic - with coniferous trees and shrubs. And everywhere the spurge will look dignified and beautiful. There are certain varieties of euphorbia that can be kept in room conditions. This is the spurge of Tirukalli, brought from Africa and having red endings of appendages, as well as such varieties as "jellyfish head", "crown of thorns," etc. A characteristic feature of indoor varieties is the abundant formation of seeds and the scattering of plants by them over sufficient distances. Sometimes in the room seedlings can be found in other pots.

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