/ / Packet Sealers - floor and table

Packet sealers - floor and table

Polyethylene film and packaging made of it becamean integral part of the everyday life of today's inhabitant. The gluing of polyethylene has long gone beyond the boundaries of large enterprises, many compact modern models allow you to pack products easily and quickly directly at the manufacturing site in small business, in the service sector, in the store and at home.

Sealer for manual packages


Different types of products, depending on storage or transportation conditions, require packaging. To date, three main types of sealing machines are on sale:

  1. Pulsed.
  2. Roller bearings.
  3. Vacuum.

Sealer for packages outdoor

By the method of installation, sealers are divided into:

  1. Desktop.
  2. The floor.
  3. Portable.

In addition to the difference in the principle of operation, there are also model differences related to the volumes of production and the degree of automation.

Sealer package packer

Control method:

  • Manual, for small and household models.
  • Automatic, for expensive industrial installations.

Pulse sealer for packets: purpose and principle of operation

Used for sealing individual bags or rolls of tubular film. It is found in stores, for the packaging of food and luggage; things in dry cleaners and other services.

Sealing machine with knife

Operating principle:

  • The material is placed on the work surface.
  • The upper locking lever is lowered.
  • Electricity is supplied at the signal of the operator,the indicator lights up, and the process of heating the working surface of the bar begins, polyethylene is welded together. The procedure usually takes no more than 5 seconds.
  • After the completion of the supply of electricity, the indicator goes out, and the upper bar rises.

The width of the seam depends on the type of device: usually 2 to 10 mm.

Types and main characteristics of pulse sealers

Main types:

  • Portable sealer for packages: the manual control method limits the production speed, but adds to the mobility device.
  • Floor-standing sealer. It is installed on load-bearing racks. Control with the pedal located at the bottom of the device. The work involves only the operator's leg. The machine has larger dimensions than the manual one, but at the same time it allows, due to free hands, to accelerate the process of adhesion and increase the quantity of produced products.
  • A package packager can have twoway of control: manual or with the help of a foot pedal. A hard surface is required for installation. The size of the bonded film depends on the length of the working plane of the lever. The welding mode (soldering time) is set according to the type of film and its thickness, which makes it possible to obtain the most uniform and well-welded seam.

Pulse Packer Sealer

  • Packet sealers: floor manual and outdoor industrial have the largest dimensions in comparison with other types of machines and are designed for packing large-sized items. The speed of rations is an average of 30 per minute. A special feature of the model is the ability to wrap, seal in one large package several previously packed goods.
  • Sealing bag with a knife - it can be desktop andfloor type. The upper lever along the axis has an installed knife with a handle, the movement of which carries out the cutting of an unnecessary part of the polyethylene outside the weld.

Vacuum sealer: types and purpose

Vacuuming allows you to save contentpackage from evaporation of moisture and penetration of bacteria, as well as from other types of pollutants, prolonging the life of products and protecting household items from damage.

Types of vacuum sealers:

  • The sealer is a table pack, with the air sucked out of the bag, or from the container by means of a special tube.
  • Desktop packer for disposable trays.
  • Packet sealers (floor type): with automatic trimming, with manual trimming. Provide for simultaneous sealing of large volumes of products. Depending on the type of working surface, it can perform packaging of packages and containers.

The material with which the vacuum bag sealer works: polyethylene bags (smooth, corrugated, tubular), roll food film.

Standard modes of extracting air: dry, wet, for berries.

Reliable, convenient, efficient, economical isall can be said about the vacuum sealer for the packages. Hand type is widely used in the middle and small business, as well as in the home, to pack products before installing in the refrigerator. Floor models have large dimensions and the corresponding cost, the process of evacuation is automated and is exposed depending on the type of the product being loaded.

The operating principle of vacuum sealers

The hand-held hand jointer has small dimensions, which is convenient and has a relatively inexpensive cost, cheap models are made with a plastic casing.

The vacuum packer works according to the principle:

  • First, the sleeve film is manually cut offnecessary length, one end is put on the Teflon strip of the device and covered with a lid. After pressing the "solder" button, the end of the package is glued together.
  • The lid of the machine is lifted and the necessary object is laid in the cellophane.
  • On the Teflon strip, put the second edge of the bag and close the lid.
  • After pressing the "vacuum" button, air sucking and final packing of the products are carried out.

When working with special plastic containers that come with the machine, a tube is connected to the special hole in the cover, through which air is pumped out.

The floor packer has a speciala table along which, on one side or two, a Teflon strip is placed on which the sealing bags are laid. After pressing the button, the lid is lowered, the air is pumped out and the gluing is carried out.

Vacuum sealer trays

For packaging products in disposable trays,Pack sealers: floor or table. In the first case - for the simultaneous processing of a large number of trays, in the second - only with two small niches. Work with roll food film.

Vacuum sealer for bags

The principle of operation is to install the tanks in special compartments, after closing the lid will be evacuated and sealed with a film.

If there is a packager with a knife, the film will be cut automatically in the form of a cell, in an ordinary wrapper the operator cuts the film manually with a special device.

Packers of trays can be found everywhere: from a regular dining room or a cafe to a large grocery store of the company or a store.

Roller packer: a design feature, the principle of operation

Roller sealer is designed for forminga seam of unlimited length and refers to appliances with constant heating. It is used for welding packages of multi-layer thick, laminated, paper and aluminum films, as well as standard polyethylene.

Has the design of conveyor type:

  1. Moving Belt
  2. Height, speed and heating controller.
  3. Teflon sealing surface
  4. Guide with rollers.
  5. The date print device is present depending on the model.

Roller packer sealer

Depending on how the roller is installedThere are horizontal and vertical pack sealers. The floor type is used for vertical packaging with the adjustment of the height of the working surface to the level of production. The bench model is used for horizontal gluing of bags.


To maintain the mechanism in working condition, it is necessary to carry out quality maintenance:

  • Regularly clean Teflon heating strip from debris or dirt.
  • Every two years, inspect or replace the heating element.

Proper care will help prolong the cycle of the device and save money on repair and purchase of a new device.

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